President of Turkmenistan Reviewed Socio-Economic Progress
OREANDA-NEWS. December 08, 2010. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov chaired a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers to review the socio-economic progress made by the country for eleven months of the current year, consider the drafts of documents and important issues of the state policy.
The floor was given to Vice Premier T. Japarov, who reported on the indicators of Turkmenistan’s socio-economic development in the reporting period. The Vice Premier noted that through large-scale socio-economic reforms launched throughout the country to foster the growth of all sectors of the national economy and further improve the social and living conditions of people, the steady increase in macroeconomic indicators had been achieved in eleven months of 2010.
In January-October the GDP growth rates increased significantly. These made up 102.3 percent in industry, 122.6 percent in the construction sector, 115.3 percent in the transport and communication sector, 111.4 percent in the trade sector, 107.5 percent in the agricultural sector, 105.4 percent in the services sector.
Production of electric power, gas, oil and oil products, mineral fertilizers, cement, non-metallic building materials, ginned cotton, cotton yarn, garments and knitted goods, shoes, tanned leather, medical products, fish and fish products, bread and bakery products, milk and other agricultural products, mineral water and soft drinks increased as compared to the same period of the past year.
Also, the Vice Premier reported on the pattern of crediting of the project of the Ministry of Railway Transport of Turkmenistan for the construction of the Bereket-Buzkhun section of the North-South transnational railway by the Asian Development Bank.
Commenting on the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused with satisfaction on the steady economic growth and the successful implementation of programmes aimed at further improving the welfare of citizens. This was convincingly evidenced by the high rates achieved in all sectors of the national economy for eleven months of the current year, said the Turkmen leader.
Reporting on the results of the work done by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for eleven months of the current years, Vice Premier, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan R. Meredov said that the well-balanced, constructive foreign-policy strategy initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the principles of positive neutrality, amicability, good neighbourliness and mutually advantageous cooperation with all countries of the world had earned Turkmenistan the high international prestige. Indisputable evidence for the success of this prudent strategy was the foreign visits paid by the Turkmen leader in the reporting period to participate in important international forums as well.
Also, the Vice Premier reported on the outcomes of the visit of the government delegation led by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan, where the Turkmen leader had participated in the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the OSCE. It was noted that his statement at the forum, which could be rightfully regarded as historic, the Turkmen leader presented Turkmenistan’s approaches to cooperation in the space of this authoritative international organisation and its relationship with the rest of the world and put forward a number of well-justified initiatives.
In particular, the Turkmen leader called for involving the OSCE in the implementation of Turkmenistan’s initiative to establish the High-level Forum on Security and Cooperation in Central Asia and the Caspian Basin put forward at the 65th session of the UN General Assembly and building up the energy dialogue within the OSCE. Reaffirming our country’s commitment to further effective cooperation with the above-mentioned organization to ensure global security, stability and sustainable development, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the willingness of Turkmenistan to contribute to optimizing the OSCE’s work that was conditioned by important tasks facing it in the context of modern realities.
The Vice Premier reported on the preparations for the activities in honour of the 15th anniversary of neutrality of Turkmenistan.
Commenting on the report, the President stated that playing an active role in international cooperation, independent neutral Turkmenistan would pursue further the strategy for constructive mutually advantageous partnership that met national interests as well as the interests of global peace and prosperity and enhance the dialogue with leading regional and international organisations for this purpose. Underscoring the importance of the initiatives put forward by Turkmenistan at the 7th OSCE Summit and aimed at working out optimal solutions to challenges of the modern world, the Turkmen leader focused on the need for consistent efforts to implement them.
Focusing on the upcoming historic event, the 15th anniversary of neutrality of Turkmenistan, the Turkmen leader instructed to ensure the high level of organisation of the International Conference on the Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan: Cooperation for Peace, Security and Progress and other events dedicated to this important date.
Chairperson of the Mejlis A. Nurberdyeva reported on the work done by the national Parliament in the reporting period to update the national legislation and develop the regulatory framework in compliance with relevant universally recognized norms of international law. The head of the Parliament reported on the work done to prepare for the elections to velayat, etrap and town halk maslakhaty and the preparation for the ceremony of opening the new building of the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda of Turkmenistan.
Commenting on the report, the Turkmen leader focused on the importance of taking consistent efforts to update the national legislation and instructed to hold the forthcoming elections to velayat, etrap and town halk maslakhaty in a proper manner and in an atmosphere of common enthusiasm. The Turkmen leader congratulated the heads and specialists of the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda on opening the new building.
Reporting on the major item of the meeting agenda, Vice Premier H. Muhammedov said that the gross turnover made up 118 percent as compared to same period of the past year. The volume of retail trade turnover made up 115 per cent, the volume of wholesale trade turnover made up 112 percent. Also, the Vice Premier reported on the positive rate of production of textile and carpet products. It was noted that transactions concluded at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange had increased in number.
Noting that the textile industry was one of the basic and export-oriented sectors of the national economy, the President focused on the importance of raising the rates of production and broadening a range of high-quality textile products manufactured in the country. In this context the Turkmen leader underscored the need to increase sales of products of home manufacture, including through opening a broad network of economic and trade houses of Turkmenistan in foreign countries.
Vice Premier D. Orazov reported on the work done for eleven months of 2010. The building volume in the capital and regions and the rates of production of building materials had risen as compared to the same period of the past year. The information was presented on most important projects and facilities, which would be put into operation in the near future.
The power industry demonstrated the high rates of production – putting into operation of new power generation facilities and development of infrastructure had enhanced the capacities of the sector and ensured a substantial influx of currency earnings from export of Turkmen electric power.
Instructing the relevant high-ranking officials to give particular attention to the construction sector due to its specific role in the dynamically developing national economy, the President focused on the importance of guaranteeing the high quality of construction work and compliance of newly-built facilities to international standards, the need for taking a thorough approach to the selection of contractors. Dependable companies with the well-deserved reputation should be involved in implementing large-scale projects launched in the capital and regions of the country.
Specifying the tasks the construction sector was to fulfil, the Turkmen leader mentioned among them development of road and transport infrastructure in the Turkmen capital. According to this indicator Ashgabat must stand on a par with most modern megalopolises of the planet that should be reflected adequately in the concept of development of the main city of the country, emphasized the Turkmen leader. This work, which must gain in scope in the near future, should be carried out through applying best international practices and latest engineering thought. In particular, a well thought-out approach should be taken to using banners and information boards in the capital that should satisfy urban aesthetics requirements and apply innovative technologies.
Vice Premier M. Shamuhammedov reported on the work done in the reporting period.
Focusing on the need to consistently implement reforms aimed at boosting the national economy, the President instructed to ensure that there were no shortcomings that hampered the achievement of goals. The President said that for this purpose the analysis and monitoring of the progress in all sectors should be conducted on a regular basis.
Vice Premier B. Hojamuhammedov reported on the work done for eleven months of 2010 to develop the oil and gas industry and the outcomes of the regular joint meeting of the Turkmen-Japanese and the Japanese-Turkmen committees for economic cooperation, which had been held in Ashgabat on 29 November.
The Vice Premier noted that for eleven months of 2010 the growth rates of oil and gas and gas condensate production had increased to 102.4 percent as compared to the same period of the past year. The same figures had been achieved in the oil-refining industry during the reporting period. The growth rate in natural and associated gas production was 111.9 percent, the volume of natural gas export made up 121.1 percent. The rate of production of all kinds of mineral fertilizers made up 101.3 percent as compared to the same period of the past year.
Focusing with satisfaction on the positive dynamics of performance indicators in the oil and gas industry, the national leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underscored the need for further increase the rate of hydrocarbon production, in particular natural gas that was in high demand on world markets. The President emphasized that to implement the energy strategy to all opportunities available should be used fully to deepen and expand international partnership in the gas sector, including with Asian countries.
In this regard Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov instructed the relevant high-ranking officials to prepare for the Summit of Heads of States participating in the TAPI gas pipeline project, which would take place in Ashgabat this December, in a proper manner. The Turkmen leader emphasized that all relevant issues should be thoroughly elaborated so that this meeting would be most effective and become a new step to boost construction of the Trans-Asian trunk railway, which would strengthen regional energy security and become a critical factor for economic and social stability in the Asian region.
Vice Premier M. Yazmuhammedova reported on the work done in the sectors under her supervision during the reporting period. In particular, the information was presented on the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan held in foreign countries and the Days of Culture of foreign states held in our country. Emphasis was put on an increased circulation of newspapers and magazines. Also, the Vice Premier presented the programmes of festivities, which would be held in our country in December to mark the Good Neighbourliness Day, the Neutrality Day, and New Year celebrations to the President for consideration.
Commenting on the report, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the need to thoroughly consider all organisational issues regarding organising and holding the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in foreign countries and the Days of Culture of foreign countries because these actions were to promote an intercultural dialogue, develop new forms of collaboration and strengthen friendship between states and nations.
The Turkmen leader gave specific instructions to organize and hold the festivities in honour of the upcoming remarkable dates in a proper manner, solemnly and widely as it was appropriate for large-scale Turkmen celebrations in an atmosphere of joy, generosity and hospitality. The President instructed the relevant high-ranking officials to prepare a versatile programme of the New Year celebrations, including decorations of streets, squares and public gardens.
Particularly, the President focused on the importance of timely preparation for the celebrations in honour of the 20th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan. This glorious anniversary, said President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, must be marked with large-scale celebrations and cognitive and interesting events that would evidence unity and cohesion of the Turkmen people, their aspirations for new heights, the profound artistic and creative potential of the epoch of new Revival and great reforms.
Vice Premier H. Mezilov reported on the work done in the science sector for eleven months of the current year. It was noted that Turkmen scientists carried out scientific research in various spheres that contributed to building a strong national economy with the developed industrial sector relying on innovative technologies and automated management systems.
The Turkmen leader said that the Government would further pay priority attention to modernizing the sectors of science and education and set new important, quite achievable goals and objectives. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that application of scientific advances was an indispensable condition for the functioning of highly developed countries nowadays. In this context the measures initiated in Turkmenistan to offer new incentives and promote science were of considerable socio-economic significance.
The President instructed the relevant high-ranking officials to intensify efforts to develop the scientific principles of analysis and scientific justification of the proposals and oil and gas projects aimed at implementing the hydrocarbon potential of the Caspian Sea. The Turkmen leader instructed Vice Premiers H. Mezilov, H. Saparlyev and B. Hojamuhammedov to keep rigorous control of the works carried out in offshore territories that should meet environmental standards and speed up the preparations for the international conferences.
Vice Premier N. Shagulyev reported on the work done for eleven months of the current year. It was noted that the positive rate of growth of major indicators had been observed at motor, rail, air and sea transport and telecommunications enterprises as compared to the same period of 2009. In particular, it was reported that as compared to the same period of the past year the volume of paid services rendered to the population had increased by 17.4 percent increased and the amount of passenger services rendered on all modes of transport had increased by 14.3 percent. The Vice Premier reported on the results of the international tender for the purchase of equipment for the television tower under construction in Ashgabat.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that the indicators achieved in these sectors testified to consistent enhancement of the potential of the transport and communications sector, which an important role in ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of the country was assigned to. The Turkmen leader emphasized that rigorous control should be kept of the quality of passengers and freight services at all modes of transport as well as the provision of modern forms of communication.
Giving the specific instructions to the relevant high-ranking officials to purchase equipment for the television tower under construction in the capital, the Turkmen leader focused on the need to ensure that this large-scale investment project, which should bring the national TV broadcasting system to a qualitatively new level, would be implemented in a timely manner.
Vice Premier H. Saparlyev reported on the work done in the sectors under his supervision during the reporting period. The Vice Premier reported that in accordance with the Turkmen leader’s instructions to create the conditions conducive to education, training and medical care of children with disabilities, the project for construction of special boarding schools with a recreation centre for 420 children in collaboration in the capital and regions with the khyakimliks of velayats and Ashgabat, sectoral ministries and departments.
Commenting on the report and signing the relevant Resolution, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the particular importance of the above-mentioned facilities, which should include kindergartens, schools, cottages, rehabilitation centre, various sports facilities supplied with state-of-the-art equipment.
Focusing on the aspects of the activity of the public organisations of the Galkynysh National Movement, the Turkmen leader demanded that the organisations intensify their work to meet the development objectives of the state and society. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that public organisations should keep pace with the times, be at the forefront of reforms of the epoch of new Revival and elucidate the essence and significance of current changes. Particular attention should be paid to patriotic and moral education of young people, involvement of a new generation of citizens of Turkmenistan in reform processes launched throughout the country.
Reporting on the work done for eleven months of 2010, Vice Premier M. Akmammedov focused on the progress of seasonal agricultural work.
Touching upon the aspects of further intensive development of the agricultural sector, the President focused on the need for a balanced approach to every issue that would ensure the success of reforms in this sector, the in-depth analysis of the state of things in order to use the existing profound potential to develop the domestic agro-industry sector. The Turkmen leader focused on the importance of the measures aimed at using improved more integrated management methods in the agro-industry sector, applying latest technologies and scientific advances, promoting the growth of all sectoral structures of industry that was an important factor for increasing profitability of the agricultural sector. The President gave specific instructions aimed at transforming our country into a blooming garden, in particular the planting campaign.
Other issues were considered during the meeting, and relevant decisions were adopted.
Summing up the government meeting and focusing on particular issues, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov put emphasis on the participation of the Turkmen government delegation in the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. At this high-level forum our country had put forward the proposals to further optimize the OSCE’s work, said the Turkmen leader emphasizing that the membership in this organization and active contribution to its activity remained a priority of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy.
We clearly see the opportunities for cooperation within the OSCE, continued the Turkmen leader evaluating highly the fact that the dynamics of bilateral collaboration had intensified in recent years. The tasks set to the OSCE today required further improvement of its activities to respond to challenges facing the modern world and comprehensive reform of the structures and institutions of the organization to satisfy the modern requirements. In this regard President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that Turkmenistan was ready to actively collaborate in this work. The purport of this reform was viewed as enhancing the role of OSCE in the world, purposefully using its vast potential in the priority areas and tackling the issues of global development.
Touching upon the aspects of Turkmenistan’s domestic policy, the Turkmen leader said that the consistent efforts were taken to strengthen democratic reforms in compliance with the Constitution, support the private sector and create independent mass media. For example, the private newspaper was published in Turkmenistan and the private journal would be published in the near future.
Touching upon the important socio-political event, the election to velayat, etrap and town halk maslakhaty, the President said that like the previous elections they would be held on a democratic, alternative basis and in conformity with the principles of openness and transparency. In this context the Turkmen leader noted that the building supplied with necessary equipment had been allocated to the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda in order to strengthen the material and technical of the Commission.
In this regard the Turkmen leader expressed belief that the upcoming election, which would be monitored by national and invited foreign observers, would become a new important step to establish the principles of sovereignty of the people in life of the Turkmen society as a new stage of democratic reforms.
Specifying the major priorities of the domestic policy, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that it was aimed at guaranteeing the high life quality. Focusing with satisfaction on the steady economic growth, successful implementation of the programmes aimed at increasing social and living conditions, the Turkmen leader noted that during the reporting period, the GDP had grown by over 7 percent and was expected to grow further. As compared to the same period of the past year the stable growth rate were maintained in all sectors.
As before, the State Budget of Turkmenistan was the profitable. Currently, the revenues significantly exceeded the expenditure, said the President. The volume of investments in the national economy made up 115 percent as compared to the same period of the past year. The growth rates of wages made up 112.4 percent. Industrial facilities, apartment houses, schools, kindergartens and other facilities had been constructed and put into operation according to schedule.
The substantial state budget had been adopted for the following year, said President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Dedicated and inspired work of our people, said the Turkmen leader, had enabled to make substantial progress this year, so the budget expenditures would be increased by 28.3 percent, or nearly USD 5 billion. The results achieved would enable to promote the implementation of the National Programme for socio-economic development of Turkmenistan for 2011-2030 years and other programmes aimed at improving the living standards and developing socio-cultural infrastructure. Also, these achievements would enable to steadily advantage the economy of the country.
The President said that in 2011 USD 741 million would be spent to promote the reforms in the education sector that was as high as 18.5 percent as compared to 2010, in the health care sector – USD 245 million that was as high as 20.7 percent. USD 84 million would be spent to promote the cultural sphere that was as high as 23.2 percent. In 2011, USD 724 million would be spent for state social welfare that was as high as 35.4 percent as compared to 2010. Large amounts would be allocated to raise pensions, benefits, scholarships in 2011.
Touching upon the national energy policy, with diversification of energy transit to world markets as a key factor, the Turkmen leader emphasized that the consistent efforts were taken to implement this policy. Thus, on 28 November the ceremony of putting the gas pipeline into operation had taken place with the participation of the leaders of Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran that would enable to significantly increase ‘blue fuel’ exports to Iran up to 20 billion cubic metres as well as supply natural gas and other countries.
The President said that this month Turkmenistan intended to sign the sign documents for construction of the transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India that would be another step to promote the energy policy of the Turkmen state.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that due to the ongoing activities Turkmenistan would be able not only to recover the old volume of natural gas exports, which had been decreased due to global financial and economic crisis, but also enhance it significantly. The Turkmen leader’s statement was welcomed with the storm of applause.
Upon concluding the meeting, the President wished good health, prosperity and every success sin their work to those present.