Lipetskcement Increased Cement Production by 1 mln Tons
OREANDA-NEWS. December 7, 2010. CJSC Lipetskcement summarized its 10 months performance results, 2010. Within the reporting period the plant has produced 1075 thousand tons of cement what is 192 thous. tons up on 2009 and according to the results including October this year 919 thousand tons of clinker what is 317 tons up on last 10 months. The total cement sales amount to 1110 thousand tons what is 208 tons up on 2009.
The achieved production and sales figures are the prime result of the efficient work of Lipetskcement team, which have been intensively working also during the extremely hot summer period and satisfied Clients’ seasonal demand and made a pace for production achievements in 2011.
To produce clinker the plant was operated at its design capacity. Products were diversified with the new cement class PC 400-DO-N which was successfully certified, while CEM I 23.5H was awarded platinum III millennium Russian Quality Mark. Cement classes along with certification were successfully inspected by Mosstrocertification, Construction Research Institute and
CJSC Lipetskcement being the largest cement producer in the Lipetsk Region operates as part of EUROCEMENT Group. EUROCEMENT Group is an international vertically integrated industrial holding company and No. 1 construction materials manufacturer in the Russian market and key supplier in the construction sector in