07.12.2010, 15:07
FAS Extends Period for INTER RAO UES Petition Consideration
OREANDA-NEWS. December 07, 2010. The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) considered a petition of “INTER RAO UES” OJSC (location: entrance 7, 12, Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, the Russian Federation, 123610; main activities – generating electric and heat energy; supplying (selling) electric and heat energy, receiving (buying) electric and heat energy on the wholesale market of electric power (capacity)) on acquiring 100% voting shares of “Mosenergosbyt” OJSC (location: 9, Vavilova St., Moscow, the Russian Federation, 117312; main activities – buying-and selling electric power (capacity)), and would like to inform that under Clause 2 Part 2 Article 33 of No.135-FZ Federal Law “On Protection of Competition” of 26th July 2006, FAS Russia extended the period for petition consideration for two months in order to additionally examine the petition and obtain additional information necessary to make a decision because the petitioned transaction can restrict competition, reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.