Legal Department of IRKUT Annual Professional Competition
OREANDA-NEWS. November 30, 2010. The Legal department of IRKUT Corporation was declared as the winner of the annual professional competition “The best legal departments of Russia - 2010” in the “aircraft manufacturing” category.
The Legal department of IRKUT Corporation provides legal support of company’s development strategy, ensures compliance with Law and legal system of the Russian Federation on all the activities of the Corporation, including legal support of foreign trade, corporate governance and forming “UAC- commercial airplanes” business unit.
Organizers of the competition are "Korporativnyj Yurist" (Corporate Lawyer) magazine and one of the leading consulting companies - Pynes&Moerner. The competition is considered the most authoritative and prestigious among the professional juridical community in Russia. 326 legal departments were nominated this year. Winners were determined by relevant sectors of economy in 22 categories. The Expert council of the competition is formed on the principle “the best chooses the best”. Its members are heads of legal departments – the winners of the previous year and partners of the leading law firms. The official auditor of the competition is Ernst&Young.