OREANDA-NEWS. November 19, 2010. A vice-head of the “Brest” FEZ administration Chwaljuk O. V participated in the work of international economical exhibition "Global Connect 2010" in Stuttgart, Germany.
The main events of the exhibition became:
- a foreign economic congress where the speakers were top political and economic figures,
- an international conference in the sphere of consulting services,
- panels on the subjects of "Transport & Logistics", "Environmental Technologies", "Economy & Tourism" and "Energy & Industry".
At a joint exhibition stand of the federal state of Baden-Wurttemberg and "Brest" FEZ administration the representative of "Brest" FEZ administration conducted the work on explaining the existing conditions of economic activity on the FEZ territory. He met and negotiated with numerous organisations, firms and consultants who are engaged in search of investors, in organisation of foreign visits, implementation of business projects, and also in offering services for promotion of Belarusian products to the West markets.