OREANDA-NEWS. November 17, 2010. Several years ago statements that the average monthly salary will be raised to USD 200 looked ambitious. In January-September 2010 the economic performance indicates that the targeted salary will be reached. In September Belarusian salaries averaged an equivalent of USD 430, with average salaries in the public sector at USD 331.

“Raising salaries is not the point. It is necessary to raise salaries via the profitability of companies, thus getting real salaries. There is no doubt that raising salaries is a priority, however, it is necessary to focus on technological development of companies. The Government believes there is a great future in it,” stressed Sergei Sidorsky.

The Prime Minister is convinced that every enterprise should manufacture new competitive products and boost their output. For instance, Polotsk-Steklovolokno has commissioned a new furnace that will allow manufacturing USD 100 million worth of products. Yet the Prime Minister believes that the figure is small because these earnings are not comparable with the earnings that the world’s leading companies get when they manufacture similar products. In particular, in the next five-year term the government would like Belarusian petrochemical enterprises to become part of transnational companies.

“We can set up such companies together with existing ones. Or instead we can promote our products to third-country markets and be in demand there,” said Sergei Sidorsky. The Government intends to shape up high-tech manufacturing in the forthcoming five-year term.