OREANDA-NEWS. November 1, 2010. Allianz Ukraine Insurance Company indemnified its customers – two legal entities and an individual – total loss of UAH 161,913 for the three cars insured under the Formula motor hull insurance program. A loss event involving the Mercedes-Benz 1836LS Actros MP2 truck occurred in Myronivka District of the Kyiv Region. The driver lost control of the truck, which resulted in collision with an electric pole. As a result of the traffic accident, the insured vehicle’s front bumper and windscreen have been damaged. Allianz Ukraine Ins.Co. paid out to the truck owner an insurance indemnity in the amount of UAH 81,207. A loss event involving the Scania P380 took place on the Sumy-Poltava motorway. The driver lost control of the car, after which the car drove to the side of the road and turned over. As a result of the traffic accident, the vehicle has been seriously damaged: the right side of the driver’s cabin, the body and the right mirror have been deformed. The insurance indemnity for the damaged vehicle amounted to UAH 40,637. A loss event involving the DAF FT CF 85 truck occurred in Kolomyia (Ivano-Frankivsk Region). The driver failed to consider the traffic situation and the size of the truck train, which resulted in collision of the right side of the vehicle with a concrete flowerbed. As a result of the traffic accident, the truck’s fuel tank has been damaged. Allianz Ukraine Ins.Co. paid out to the truck owner an insurance indemnity in the amount of UAH 40,069.