OREANDA-NEWS. November 01, 2010. The Board of Directors approved the withdrawal of IDGC of Urals, OAO from the charter capital of OGK-2, OAO, TGK-9, OAO, FSK UES, OAO and Sverdlovenergosbyt, OAO. The withdrawal was dictated by our small stakes (less than 1% of the charter capital) that prevented us from managing the companies and collecting considerable dividends, reported the press-centre of IDGC of Urals.

The funds raised from the transactions will finance our investments.

The BoD also approved an independent appraiser for appraising market value of our stake in Ekaterinburgenergosbyt, OAO that is scheduled for sale.

Determination of the Company's (representatives') positions on agenda issue of the GSM and BoD sessions of the SACs

Our BoD entrusted the representatives to vote for the approval of 2010 EESK adjusted business plan and 2010 target KPIs as well as prolongation of the director's authorities and approval of a major transaction.