Ingosstrakh and Bupa International Continue Cooperation
OREANDA-NEWS. October 27, 2010. It’s been a year since Ingosstrakh international medical programs appeared in the Russian insurance market. They were developed jointly with the British company Bupa International, a major medical insurer for expatriates in
International medical insurance is an alternative to the Russian voluntary medical insurance but with a larger coverage (for example, the programs include treatment of oncologic and psychiatric diseases, AIDS, organs transplantation, prosthesis, etc.) and qualified medical service not only in the best medical institutions of Russia but also, at the choice of an insured person, at any hospital of the world including 7500 clinics-partners of Bupa Intl.
This year, changes in the Russian laws became a focusing stimulus for obtaining an international insurance policy: From July 1, 2010 an amendment to the Federal law “On Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation” is in effect: this law obliges the employee to provide with medical insurance policies to the qualified foreign specialists/experts and members of their families. Many companies obtained such international policies for their employers.
In honor of the anniversary of the successful program implementation Ingosstrakh provides discount of 10% of the policy’s price for the clients who obtain the program from November 11 until December 31 2010.
Wide choice of insurance will satisfy any client: 3 options of programs for both individuals and companies , special programs for the clients engaged in oil and gas sector and for ship’s crews. They differ by insured amounts, scope of services and price respectively.The “Basic” program offered planned and urgent clinical care, the insured amount is 1 mln. USD. For the family of three persons (parents and a child) it will be 5,000 USD. Under the program "Classic" besides clinical care dispensary and polyclinic services, management of pregnancy and obstetrics are provided, the insured amount is 1.5 mln USD. Its cost for the family (3 members) is about 8,000 USD. The largest coverage is provided by the program “Gold”. In addition to Classic Program it includes the medical services of a family therapist, compensation for drugs prescribed by a doctor and urgent dentist aid offered after compensable accident. The total limit is 2 million USD. In this case the price for three policies is 10,000 USD.
Regardless of the chosen program each insured gets access to two 24-hour contact centers Bupa Intl: client support service and medical aid, and also to his/her personal cabinet, chat and other Internet resources of Bupa Intl.