Bogatyr Sold 27,3 Million Tons of Coal
OREANDA-NEWS. October 25, 2010. From the beginning of the current year Bogatyr Coal, LLP, the joint enterprise of the Kazakshtani JSC Samruk-Energo and the Russian company RUSAL sold 27,3 million tons of coal to its customers, what is almost by 4 million tons, or 17%, higher than the level of sales for the analogous period of 2009. At the same time the volume of coal shipments made 20 trains per day in average versus 18,9 trains in
15,3 million tons of coal were delivered to the Kazakhstani market for nine months, what is by 11% higher than the level of coal sales in 2009, or by 1,5 million tons. The increase of shipment volumes to the address of the local power systems became possible thanks to the increase of coal consumption by two largest power plants of
The coal shipments to the Russian market have also revived. For the time passed from the year commencement 12 million tons of saleable coal were sold to
The sustainable work of the coal mining company – Bogatyr Coal, LLP – in 2010 shows the gradual overcoming of the extended economic crisis and stabilization of the activity of the enterprise.
Bogatyr Coal, LLP is planning to ship about 38 million tons of the steam coal to its customers in 2010.