President of Turkmenistan Chairs Meeting on Tourism Zone Development
OREANDA-NEWS. October 25, 2010. At the International airport in Turkmenbashi town President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with the participation of Vice Premier N. Shagulyev and Balkan Velayat Khyakim S. Satlykov to discuss the priority aspects of the further development of the littoral region and the Avaza national tourism zone.
Balkan Velayat Khyakim S. Satlykov reported on the ongoing work in the western region of the country to develop and improve the Avaza national tourism zone, the town of Turkmenbashi city and its vicinities where a new beautiful and modern city with modern infrastructure would be built in the near future.
Focusing on the issues of the further development of the littoral region and the Avaza national tourism zone the Turkmen leader gave the relevant instructions to the local high-ranking officials. Focusing on the paramount importance of the work carried out to beautify the littoral town and the seaside resorts on the Caspian seashore, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov paid special attention to architectural design and planting trees in streets and parks.
The Turkmen leader said that when developing urban landscapes in the littoral town, national traditions that embodied the historical and spiritual values of the Turkmen people should be taken into account. Posters, mosaics, illuminated billboards and other aesthetic elements designed in the national traditional style were to adorn squares and streets, public gardens and parks in the new city and seaside resort, add specific colours and originality to local landscapes. A park recently laid out on the shore of the Caspian Sea should be extended further and put on new green attire; every facility, every part of the town and the Avaza national tourism zone should have a unique appearance; the conditions conducive to recreation of the people and guests of the littoral region should be created there, said the President.
Vice Premier N. Shagulyev reported on the ongoing work in the transport and communications sectors. Particular emphasis was put on the current situation in the sea and river transport and civil aviation sectors. In particular, the Vice Premier informed that within the next few weeks the oil river-sea tanker built at the shipyard Krasnoe Sormovo in the Russian Federation on request of Turkmenistan in accordance with the Resolution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov would be delivered at the disposal of the State Sea and River Transport Service of Turkmenistan. Congratulating the Turkmen leader on this important event, N. Shagulyev expressed gratitude on behalf of personnel of the State Sea and River Transport Service to the President of Turkmenistan for his tireless efforts to strengthen the potential of the sector.
Underscoring an increasing role of the transport sector in boosting the growth in all sector of the national economy, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the need for comprehensive modernization and enhancement of technological potential of all branches of the transport sector. In this aspect, the Turkmen leader focused on the importance of strengthening the capacity of the national tanker fleet through the purchase of new vessels which delver liquid hydrocarbons not only inside the country but also to external markets. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said this was stipulated by the increasing oil production volumes in Turkmenistan, which, in its turn, required adequate transport facilities.
Noting that cargo traffic, including transportation of oil and petroleum products, gained greater significance with every passing year as an aspect of Turkmenistan’s foreign economic relations, the Turkmen leader set the task to develop comprehensively this sector. Operation of new ultra-modern tankers should contribute to enhancing international cooperation in the transport sector and cargo traffic growth across the territory of our country. We must use all benefits of our favourable geographical location through using fully the capacities of the Turkmenbashi international seaport, which was a major transit hub of the international transport corridor Europe-Caucasus-Central Asia, emphasized the President.
Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov set the tasks to expand international cooperation, optimize the activity, increase the effectiveness of conveyance and improve the quality of services in the civil aviation sector, to the Turkmenhowayollary State National Service.
Noting that the Government put much effort to modernize civil aviation, in particular to improve ground infrastructure, the Turkmen leader provided the example of the new air terminal in Turkmenbashi town supplied with advanced technologies and state-of-the-art equipment meeting international standards.
In this regard the Turkmen leader focused on the need to use the new air harbour of the country to further strengthen the capacity of civil aviation and increase passenger traffic along international as well as domestic routes. However, particular attention should be given to the implementation of Turkmenistan’s transit potential in the field of air communication, which gained greater importance due to the dynamic development of the Avaza national tourism zone that would rank among the centres of international tourism, stated the President of Turkmenistan.
Upon concluding the meeting, the President bade farewell to meeting participants and left the international airport in Turkmenbashi town for Ashgabat.