Sibirtelecom Celebrates Fifth Anniversary of Webstream
OREANDA-NEWS. October 20, 2010. Sibirtelecom celebrates the fifth birthday of the Webstream brand used to provide broadband Internet access. For the past five years the Company has significantly increased its subscriber base of Internet users, has introduced new attractive tariff plans, has become a pioneer in promoting new state-of-the-art technologies of Internet access. Now Sibirtelecom is one of the top ten biggest Internet providers in
During the past 5 years the demand of subscribers for high speed channels and high connection quality changed by leaps and bounds. Sibirtelecom changed along with the subscribers. Just a couple of years ago the main technology of data transfer was the ADSL technology, with which prospect of the development of new services. The Company achieved a qualitatively new level in April 2010, when it was the first one in
“During the period of providing the Webstream service the number of Company subscribers grew over 10 times. For example, in 2006 the Webstream service was used by 65 thousand subscribers, - emphasized Ivan Dadykin, General Director of Sibirtelecom OJSC. – Today the Company provides services to over 700 thousand users, while by the end of this year they will be already 1 million. Our plans for subscriber growth became possible due to the created multiservice network, development of GPON and ETTH technologies, commissioning of a single data-center of the Company, increasing of the attractiveness of the content-resource and improving subscriber loyalty programs.”
The volume of investments of Sibirtelecom OJSC in the development of Internet services in
The Company pursues a flexible tariff policy, which increases the possibility of access of users to Internet resources. During 2010 the Company reduced Internet tariffs on average by 34%. The Company is also taking effort to expand the range of additional services, to increase the quality of services and efficiency of the technical support provided to its subscribers.
Sibirtelecom congratulates its subscribers with the first anniversary and invites them to take participation in a festive event called “5 years with Webstream”.