CenterTelecom Introduces New Information Services Telephone Numbers
OREANDA-NEWS. October 13, 2010. CenterTelecom OJSC introduces new unified telephone numbers for its subscribers' access to the company's information services.
Now the company's subscribers may use the following telephone numbers for access to information and maintenance services:
150 (or +7 800 450 0 150* for the persons making calls from mobile telephones, calls provided by other telecommunications operators, as well for the subscribers of automatic exchanges which do not allow dialing of three digit number) – Individual Subscribers Relations Service providing free 24 hours information and technical support to telephone and Internet services subscribers. The subscribers may get information related to settlements for telecommunications services, means of payment and payment office locations, and to procedure of provision of universal telecommunications services.
118 (or +7 800 450 0 118 for the subscribers of automatic exchanges which do not allow dialing of three digit number) – Free Unified Information Service providing the following information 24 hours per day:
telephone numbers of CenterTelecom's individual subscribers agreed to submit their personal data for inclusion in the company's database; the information is provided on basis of the subscriber's full name and address submitted by the requester
telephone numbers of CenterTelecom's corporate subscribers agreed to submit their data for inclusion in the company's database; the information is provided on basis of the subscriber's full legal name and address submitted by the requester
telephone numbers of emergency services, municipal and social organizations; the information is provided on basis of any data on the organization submitted by the requester
138 (or +7 800 450 0 138 for the subscribers of automatic exchanges which do not allow dialing of three digit number) – Paid Unified Information Service (former 009 Service) providing information about CenterTelecom's individual subscribers agreed to submit their data for inclusion in the company's database and legal entities of Russian regions and other countries, and rendering other services (full list of the services is available at The unified tariff for this type of services for all categories of CenterTelecom's customers amounts to RUB42 per minute (the tariff is in effect 24 hours per day). The cost of the paid information services is to be reflected in a telecommunications services invoice submitted to the company's subscriber.
During the first stage of new telephone numbers introduction the company's customers may use the previous telephone numbers of access to CenterTelecom's information services all over
* calls from mobile telephones to +7 800 450 0 150 are free of charge
** the tariff for individual subscribers includes VAT; the tariff for the corporate customers is exclusive of VAT