New Sea Port May Be Built in Murmansk
OREANDA-NEWS. October 01, 2010. Sergey Ivanov, Russian Vice Prime Minister, considers Murmansk transport junction to be one of the most prospective places to launch a new port with a direct outlet to the World ocean.
He said that a meeting of the Sea Board at the RF Government would be held during his work trip to the Murmansk region. Realization of the state policy in the Artic to 2020, and the issues of the investment project of Murmansk transport junction development, and the measures to provide development of the sea business activity in the Murmansk region are on the agenda.
“Murmansk transport junction is one of the most prospective places for creation of a modern sea port with a large throughput,” said Mr Ivanov. He added that in fact there are only two places in Russia – the Pacific Ocean and Murmansk – where “there are all-weather ports with an outlet to the World ocean.”
He emphasized that the investment project envisages, in fact, construction of a new port.