IAEA Presented Forecast of Nuclear Power Industry Development
OREANDA-NEWS. September 22, 2010. By 2030 the aggregate installed nuclear capacity in the world will be increased up to 546–803 GW.
This forecast is presented in the “Power Industry, Production Evaluation of the Nuclear Power Industry Development up to 2050” report issued by International Atomic Energy Agency on September 9. The report is based on data from different sources including UN information. In the previous year report IAEA predicted development of nuclear facilities up to 511–803 GW.
According to IAEA data, by 2050 the installed capacity of nuclear facilities in the world will have come up to 590–1415 GW. This year the agency has presented the forecast beyond 2030 because of “concernment of a number of member countries having no nuclear power industry but willing to include it in its power balance in the future”.
In view of long period of planning and implementation of the programs in the field of nuclear power industry, a “considerable part” of these plans will be executed after 2030, the report says.