DCC Opened Direct Account with Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V.
OREANDA-NEWS. September 20, 2010. With effect from September 20 Participants of Depository Clearing Company (DCC) can perform transactions relating to settlements and safekeeping of international securities via DCC's direct account with Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V. (Euroclear), a major international settlement and clearing center.
DCC's opening of a direct account with Euroclear offers to DCC Participants wide possibilities to enter external markets and work with the securities like shares of foreign issuers, corporate Eurobonds, ADRs and GDRs for shares of Russian issuers, external bonds of the Russian Federation.
Participants can perform all types of operations with respect to the securities in case they are stipulated in the Terms and Conditions of Depository Activity of DCC and they do not contradict the terms and conditions of the issuance and circulation of the securities.
At present transactions with foreign securities can only be settled on FOP basis. In the future DCC plans to enhance its cooperation with Euroclear and provide its Participants with new opportunities, including settlement of transactions on DVP basis.
Information on Euroclear Bank:
The Euroclear group includes the central securities depositories of seven European countries and ICSD Euroclear Bank, which provide a wide range of settlement, asset servicing and asset optimisation services, tailored to meet the needs of their particular market environment.
The ICSD Euroclear Bank is the premier provider of settlement services for international bond, money-market, equity and fund instruments. The ICSD Euroclear Bank offer clients a single access point to post-trade services in over 40 markets.
Detailed information is available at the following web-site: www.euroclear.com
Information on DCC:
Depository Clearing Company is Russia's largest settlement depository for shares. Being the key element of the centralized settlement and depository system, DCC provides its clients with a full range of services of a modern settlement depository in line with respective international standards.