Rosatom State Corporation Visited SRIAR
OREANDA-NEWS. September 15, 2010. Deputy General Director of Rosatom State Corporation Evgeny Evstratov – monitor of the Mo-99 construction project, implemented at the site of the SRIAR State Scientific Centre — visited the institute
He participated in the working group conference, where they summarized the intermediate results of the progress of production facilities development and discussed the compliance with the fixed deadlines set for the key events. According to Anatoly Evdokimov, Deputy Director of the “Molybdenum-99” Project Institute, “all works are being implemented in accordance with the fixed deadlines and by the end of the year it is planned to complete precommissioning operations and produce the initial isotope batches which shall comprise not less than 600 curie per week, which by 10 fold exceeds the amount produced in Russia before.”
Evgeny Evstratov reminded the fact that in 2011, after the second line commissioning, the molybdenum -99 production output should amount to 2000 curie per week, and by the beginning of 2012 – 2500 curie per week.