Azerbaijan Demonstrates Increases of Balance of Payments
OREANDA-NEWS. September 14, 2010. The Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA), carrying out statistics of balance of payment, ascertained in annual basis growth of surplus of account of current operations of balance of payments by 77.7%.
According to CBA, by 1 July 2010, surplus of current account made USD 7.96 bn against USD 4.48 bn a year before. Over reporting date, surplus relating to oil sector totaled USD 10.05 bn at deficit in the amount of USD 2.09 bn relating to other sectors. At the same time, on 1 July 2010, surplus of trading balance made USD 10.236 bn (including USD 12.117 bn in regard to oil sector), and deficit of balance of services - USD 775.822 million (USD 602 million respectively).
Deficit of account of capital flow and finance totaled over reporting date USD 2.306 bn against USD 4.96 bn a year before.
It allowed to accumulate USD 5.006 bn of reserve assets additionally over the first quarter of current year, whereas it was necessary to withdraw USD 483 million from reserve assets a year before.