Vice PM of Ukraine: For 6 Months We Made Real Breakthrough
OREANDA-NEWS. September 08, 2010. The Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Serhiy Tigipko in live broadcast "Freedom of speech" on ICTV channel named the main achievements during the time of the Government in force. These include - the adoption of laws necessary to accelerate the European integration processes, simplification of business conditions and reduction of the number of regulatory organizations.
According to Serhiy Tigipko, serious work has been done once in two important areas: simplification of business conditions and European integration. "We were licensing 2250 types of operations. Among them 1600 are cancelled today - the official said. Thus, Serhiy Tigipko said that after the enactment of the law to reduce the number of licenses, licensing would be reduced again by 300 positions, and at the end out of over two thousand types of activities that require licensing, approximately 250 would remain.
Besides that, according to Serhiy Tigipko, among the achievements of the Government team there also is the enacting of laws to reduce the number of regulatory agencies. "A progressive law is accepted that reduces the number of controlling bodies almost two times - from 79 to 40. In addition, equally important is the law to simplify the deductions of social contributions by business. Now payments in all three social funds will be through a single payment, which will also reduce the number of regulatory organizations and simplify the business environment. "
SerhiyTigipko is also confident that a real breakthrough was made also towards European integration of Ukraine. "The laws on public procurement, gas market, National Bank of Ukraine, single regulator of utility tariffs, protection of information. These are the five most important laws that have been waited long by European Union "- Serhiy Tigipko summed. The Vice Prime Minister stressed that these laws are fundamental in EU-Ukraine Association matter, which includes non-visa regime and free trade area.
"I think we have done a lot of things. We gradually began to grow. Salaries in average in Ukraine gradually began to grow, the situation in the economy gradually began to stabilize, but sure next year if we do all those things, we would get more growth"- the official summed up. According to the Vice Premier, Ukraine needs 2-3 years to ensure that "we have seen the economic growth, which will operate for a simple man in the form of new jobs, new salaries, pensions."