Interpipe Will Support MAP Team on Silk Way Rally
OREANDA-NEWS. September 6, 2010. Steel pipe and railway wheel maker, Interpipe will support a team from the Minsk Automobile Plant (MAP) on the ‘Silk Way
In order to participate in the rally, the Minsk Automobile Plant developed the MAZ 5309R sports car, which was officially presented on 3 September in
For many years Interpipe has supplied seamless and welded pipes to the Minsk Automobile Plant that are used for the production of passenger and freight cars.
Andrey Bibik, Sales Director for Machinery and Power at Interpipe said: “
Interpipe produces and supplies wide range of products for machinery industry.
Companies producing machinery use our products as basic elements for the manufacture of submersible motors and cars of different configurations, bearings, steam generators and high-precision parts of aeronautical engineering and cars.
Interpipe’s product portfolio includes mechanical pipes, precision pipes, ball bearing pipes, pipes for submerged pumps and engines, boiler pipes and tubes.