Turkmenistan Considers Priority Issues of National Policy
OREANDA-NEWS. September 06, 2010. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov chaired a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers to consider the priority issues of the national policy.
Opening the meeting, the President said that the holiday of Oraza bayramy that embodied invariable commitment of the Turkmen people to their spiritual roots, the ideals of mercy, beneficence and kindness, high values common to all mankind in the new historical epoch. Signing the Decree “On Oraza bayramy” declaring the day of September 10, 2010 a day off, the President of Turkmenistan said that this holiday concluding the month of fasting and praying blessed for all Muslims was traditionally celebrated widely and solemnly in our country.
Then the floor was given to Minister of National Security Ch. Amanov, who reported on the work to draft the Decree to honour the holy Night of Forgiveness on the pardon of persons sentenced to imprisonment including foreign citizens who had committed crimes in the territory of Turkmenistan.
Commenting on the report, the Turkmen leader emphasized that by abiding by the traditions of compassion, justice and humanism inherited from the ancestors, endeavoring to further consolidate and maintain integrity of every family, the Turkmen state conducted the humane actions on a regular basis to release from punishment Turkmen and foreign citizens, who had admitted their guilt and sincerely repented of their deeds. The President said that this tradition would be followed this year and on the eve of the Night of Forgiveness many convicted persons would be released. These people would receive an opportunity to return to a normal life and redeem their fault by honest labour. Expressing belief that they would become worthy citizens of their country, the Turkmen leader signed the Decree on the pardon of 3,999 persons sentenced to imprisonment including foreign citizens who had committed crimes on the territory of Turkmenistan.
Minister of Finance A. Gochyev reported on the results of the second meeting of the intergovernmental Turkmen-Afghani commission for trade and economic cooperation, which had taken place on 30 August in the capital of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Kabul. It was noted that upon concluding the meeting the protocol setting forth the priority vectors of further development of traditionally friendly bilateral cooperation had been signed. The Minister reported that during the meeting the government officials of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan had signed the TAPI Gas Pipeline Framework Agreement.
Commenting on the report, the President noted that the steps taken by Turkmenistan to accelerate the implementation of the TAPI gas pipeline project were widely welcomed by peoples and governments of the countries collaborating in this large-scale international project. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that the implementation of the project was economically beneficial for all partners: for Turkmenistan as gas exporter and Afghanistan, Pakistan and India as consumers that faced energy shortage.
Underscoring the profound importance of this transnational energy bridge, the Turkmen leader noted with satisfaction that all participants of the TAPI Project had confirmed their participation in the ministerial meeting, which would be held this month, and in the summit, which would take place in Ashgabat this December, to identify the further steps to promote the gas pipeline project.
In this regard, the President instructed Vice Premiers R. Meredov and H. Muhammedov, Acting Vice Premier in charge of oil and gas, chemical and fishing industries Ya. Kakaev and other high-ranking officials to ensure the high level of organization of the meetings and start drafting the documents required to promote the TAPI project.
Vice Premier, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan R. Meredov reported on the wide response drawn worldwide by Turkmenistan’s decision to provide humanitarian aid to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Peoples of these countries had ardently welcomed this act of goodwill and expressed sincere gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and brotherly people of Turkmenistan.
The Vice Premier reported on the results of the activity of the Interagency Commission for monitoring the implementation of international human rights commitments of Turkmenistan that had conducted a regular meeting on August 7 this year. As is known, this agency aims its activity at monitoring current national legislation in the framework of the legal reforms launched in Turkmenistan on the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to strengthen the democratic foundations of the modern Turkmen state and society, promote the interests and rights of citizens. In this regard emphasis was put on the active efforts taken by the Interagency Commission to prepare the recommendations and proposals on the improvement of statutory and legal acts so as to intensify democratic processes in the country and guarantee the rights and freedoms of every citizen of Turkmenistan.
In particular, the Vice Premier reported on the Commission’s work on four national reports on the implementation of the UN conventions by our country, which would be submitted to the relevant UN committees. R. Meredov reported that having acceded to the fundamental UN human rights conventions and standing steadfast to undertaken commitments, Turkmenistan intended to join a number of major international documents this year.
The Vice Premier reported on the results of the activity of the Interagency Commission for the Caspian Sea. It was noted that the regular meeting, which had taken place on August 28 this year, focused on the priority vectors of Turkmenistan activities related to the Caspian Sea. In particular, the report on the steps taken to draft the concept on the fishing industry of Turkmenistan on the Caspian Sea for the period till 2030 was presented. Emphasis was put on the need to update further the National Caspian Programme along with particular organizational and other issues. It was noted that urging to expand constructive mutually advantageous cooperation on the Caspian Sea, conserve biodiversity and efficiently manage abundant resources of this unique body of water, Turkmenistan maintained close contacts with the international institutions such as the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Caspian Environmental Programme (CEP).
Emphasizing on the importance of the work of the Interagency Commission for monitoring the implementation of international human rights commitments of Turkmenistan, the Turkmen leader focused on the need to further update national laws related to the Caspian Sea. Touching upon the vast opportunities opened up for implementing in full the profound economic, tourist and health resort potential of the Caspian Sea and maritime region, the Turkmen leader said that the issues of environmental protection of ancient Khazar and preservation of its unique flora and fauna and the environment were the priorities of the national policy.
Touching upon humanitarian aid sent to Afghanistan and Pakistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that standing steadfast to the traditions of friendship, good neighbourliness and mutual assistance, the ideals of mercy and humanity, Turkmenistan was always ready to give a helping hand to its neighbors and would be guided by these principles bequeathed by the glorious ancestors to the Turkmen people.
Vice Premier T. Japarov reported on the parameters of socioeconomic development in eight months of this year. The Vice Premier reported that in the reporting period the GDP growth rate made up 104.8 percent due to the high results achieved in the construction, transport and communications, trade and services and agricultural sectors.
The growth rate of retail turnover in eight months of 2010 made up 116 percent as compared to the same period of the past year.
As compared to the past year the volume of paid services rendered to population, grew by 15.7 percent, and passenger services in all modes of transport rose by 14.6 percent.
In January-August 2010 the tax payment plan was implemented in full. The revenues of the budget were implemented to 107.8 percent, the expenditures to 94.6 percent.
In eight months the volume of investments from all sources of financing increased by 34 percent as compared to the same period of 2009.
Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan A. Nurberdyeva reported to the President on the preliminary results of the activity of the Parliament to update national legislation conducted in eight months of 2010.
It was noted that in the reporting period about 50 resolutions and legislative acts had been adopted to optimize the activity of local government bodies, government institutions, strengthen law and order, promote local governance, develop the legal framework in the spheres of economy and social policy, science, education and culture.
In collaboration with the missions of such organisations as the UN, in particular UNDP, UNICEF, as well as under the joint project with the OSCE training seminars, roundtables and advanced training courses had been conducted to improve the professional skills of deputies, study international law-enforcement practices, its advanced technologies, promote local executive and representative government. Moreover, the information campaigns had been held in regions, constituencies and mass media.
Commenting on the report, the President noted that, in whole the fruitful work of Turkmen parliamentarians had contributed to building further the legal framework in our country required to deepen the democratic and integration processes, strengthen Turkmenistan’s position and promote its initiatives in the international arena, develop constructive bilateral relations and mutually beneficial cooperation. Touching upon the important role of the Mejlis in providing the legal platform for ongoing fundamental reforms in Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the need to maintain further close contacts between the Parliament and its divisions with electorate, public organisations and departments interested.
Vice Premier H. Muhammedov reported on the work done in the sectors under his supervision in eight months of 2010, in particular the textile industry, enterprises of the Turkmenhaly State Joint-Stock Corporation, the trade and services sectors. The Vice Premier reported on the results of the third meeting of the Turkmen-Austrian joint commission, which had been held in Ashgabat on 30-31 August, and the International Export Commodity Exhibition of the Republic of Turkey, which had been held at the Exhibition Centre from 30 August through 1 September.
Focusing on the need to continue the efforts to enhance the production potential of the textile and carpet industries and increase the production rate, the Turkmen leader demanded that rigorous control be kept over the measures aimed at further modernization of these sectors.
Noting that a key aspect of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy was intensification of economic cooperation with all countries of the world on a long-term, mutually advantageous and equitable manner, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of the activity of the intergovernmental commissions and international exhibitions.
Vice Premier D. Orazov reported on the work done in the sectors under his supervision in eight months of 2010, in particular road construction. In this context the Vice Premier reported on the progress of construction of roads in Turkmenistan, in particular the highways Ashgabat-Turkmenbashi, Ashgabat-Mary, Ashgabat-Dashoguz, Mary-Turkmenabat.
Focusing on the significance of road construction work, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov put emphasis on the need to further modernize road network that was conditioned by dynamic development of the motor transport sector and a growing number of cars in the country. The Turkmen leader said that therefore the condition of traffic arteries must comply with high quality and traffic safety standards.
Addressing Chairman of the Turkmenautoyollary State Concern A. Sarybaev, the Turkmen leader expressed dissatisfaction with the shortcomings revealed during road construction work and poor condition of motor roads.
The President emphasized that when building and reconstructing motor roads the high quality standards must be adhered through using advanced technologies that would ensure long-term operation of road network in the country. Also, particular attention must be given to design and lighting of roadways, planting greenery and colour illumination of the roadsides, the Turkmen leader said.
Vice Premier M. Akmammedov reported on the work done in the sectors under his supervision, in particular the progress of seasonal agricultural work, the cotton picking and winter crops sowing campaigns.
The Vice Premier reported on the progress of construction of the equestrian complex including the hippodrome, sports, cultural and social facilities in Ahal Velayat.
The President signed the document allocating the additional 9.4 hectares to the area of the hippodrome under construction in Ruhabat Etrap the Turkmen Atlary State Association.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the new hippodrome should become a venue for large-scale national and international competitions. This would contribute to developing the horse breeding sector and equestrian sport in the country, training professional jockeys able to represent Turkmenistan in a worthy manner on the international arena and what was more important brining up the younger generation to respect age-old constructive traditions of the Turkmen people. Hippodromes under construction in other regions of the country would serve this purpose too.
Focusing on the most important aspects of the agricultural campaigns carried out throughout the country, the Turkmen leader demanded that all necessary organizational conditions enabling to pick cotton, one of the strategic crops in Turkmenistan, without losses in a timely manner be created. The Turkmen leader said that the success of the sowing campaign depended on timely and proper agro-technical activities that were the determining factor for future rich harvests. Focusing on the importance of storing this year’s wheat harvest without losses, the President instructed to keep rigorous control of the operation of grain elevators and demanded that the immediate measures to launch construction of new granaries in the country be taken.
Touching upon the preparations for this year’s planting campaign, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov demanded that the relevant high-ranking officials foster this work. The Turkmen leader said that the ongoing large-scale programme of planting greenery in urban and rural areas in Turkmenistan was an effective step to address the environmental problems and achieve environmental security. Moreover, this programme had the social aspect because it directly related to creating favourable conditions for human life.
The Turkmen leader focused on the particular measures aimed at beautifying and planting greenery in Ashgabat that would form a new image of the dynamically developing capital of Turkmenistan where parks, public gardens and streets should have numerous flowerbeds.
Chairman of the Supreme Chamber of Control G. Saparlyev reported on the results of the inspection of facilities under construction carried out on the instructions of the President and the analysis of the work done to eliminate the shortcomings revealed in the financial and economic activity of the Ministry of Construction.
Commenting on the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov instructed to keep rigorous control over the quality of work and give priority attention to the schedule of construction in strict compliance with contractual obligations. The Turkmen leader said that social and industrial facilities under construction throughout the country, housing complexes must meet international standards, serve the present and future generations of the Turkmen people.
Vice Premier N. Shagulyev reported on the work done in the transport and communications sectors. In particular, the Vie Premier reported on the progress in implementing the infrastructure projects in the railway sector.
Focusing on the importance of the transport sector in ensuring sustainable development of the national economy, the President underlined the growing role of rail transport within the country and in the context of dynamic extension of international transportation network. In this regard, the Turkmen leader demanded that rail transport infrastructure be modernized further and all enterprises of this sector operated effectively.
Acting Vice Premier Ya. Kakae reported on the work done in the sectors under his supervision. In particular, Ya. Kakaev reported on the measures taken in compliance with the Turkmen leader’s instructions to apply advanced technologies and state-of-the-art equipment to increase oil and natural gas production and manufacture high-quality oil products at oil and gas and chemical enterprises.
Ya. Kakaev reported on the preparations for the International Exhibition and Scientific Conference "Avaza: towards new heights of creation, construction and progress, which would take place on September 6-8. Noting that the Turkmen leader’s initiative to hold this international forum had drawn a wide response in many foreign countries, the Acting Vice Premier said that over 100 representatives of 53 companies from over 20 countries of the world had applied for the participation in these forums.
Emphasizing the Government would continue to give paramount attention to modernization of the fuel and energy sector, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov set the task to take necessary measures to steadily increase hydrocarbon extraction and production of high-quality oil products to the relevant high-ranking officials. The Turkmen leader said that taking a growing demand for energy on world markets into consideration Turkmenistan should appropriately use the potential of the domestic oil and gas sector to satisfy the needs of the country as well as its foreign importers in energy.
Touching upon the preparations for the international exhibition and conference in Avaza, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov instructed to hold these forums in a proper manner so as to present the vast possibilities for mutually advantageous cooperation with foreign partners in developing further the national tourism zone on the Caspian Sea coast to forum participants.
Vice Premier M. Yazmuhammedova reported on the preparations for cultural actions scheduled for September and the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in Tajikistan, which would be held on September 22-24.
Emphasizing on the importance of conducting the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in the fraternal country in a proper manner, the Turkmen leader demanded that the most responsible approach be taken to organizing this action that vividly symbolized the unbreakable ties of friendship and good neighbourliness between the Turkmen and Tajik peoples.
In the epoch of new Revival in Turkmenistan the conditions conducive to realizing the artistic and intellectual potential of the nation in full were created, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said noting that strengthening cultural ties with neighbouring countries and other nations of the planet would contribute to promoting rich art and culture of the Turkmen people and fruitful international cooperation.
Vice Premier H. Saparlyev reported on the work done in the sectors under his supervision since the beginning of the current year.
On behalf of students and educational professionals, the Vice Premier expressed deep gratitude to the Turkmen leader for the unceasing efforts to develop and modernize the national education system and bring it to a higher level. This was illustrated by the ceremonies of inaugurating new schools and the magnificent architectural complex of the State Medical University that had marked the beginning of the new academic year.
Through the policy of peace, good neighbourliness and friendliness pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov foreign citizens were admitted to institutions of higher and specialized secondary education.
H. Saparlyev reported on the preparations for the International Conference “Hoja Ahmed Yasawi and Sufi Literature of the East noting in particular that about 60 renowned scientists from 21 countries of the world and about 100 Turkmen linguists, historians, experts in literature and other specialists would take part in the forum which would be held at the National Cultural Centre.
Noting that the study and promotion of the rich literary and spiritual heritage of the Turkmen people was a key vector of the national policy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov instructed to ensure the high level of organisation of the scientific forum dedicated to the outstanding Turkmen philosopher, poet and scholar.
Touching upon the issues regarding promotion of sport and physical culture in the country, the President issued the decree on the construction of the first facilities of the Olympic Village in Ashgabat amounted to USD 1.970.882 billion in Ashgabat. The Turkmen leader said that this event could be rightly described as historic for it embodied the principle “a state of the people” reflecting vividly the essence of the policy pursued by Turkmenistan in the epoch of new Revival. In this regard, the national leader emphasized that the concern for the health and wellbeing of all citizens of the country and the future generations of the Turkmen people remained a priority of this policy assigning a critical role to wide promotion of a healthy lifestyle and sport and physical culture.
During the meeting the Turkmen leader signed the other documents.
In conclusion the President wished good health, wellbeing and every success in work for the prosperity of the Motherland to those present.