Titan Installs New Equipment at Polypropylene Production Plant
OREANDA-NEWS. September 06, 2010. At the site polypropylene production plant* poured monolithic slab foundation for the reprocessing of propane-propylene fraction, reported the press-centre Titan.
Propane-propylene fraction - raw materials for production of polypropylene. The main supplier of process equipment installation the reprocessing of propane-propylene fraction, which cost over 100 million rubles - OJSC "Tambov plant" Komsomolets ". Installation is distinguished by its compact size - it will occupy an area 36 to 93 meters. Its capacity - 250 000 tons of propane-propylene fraction in the year.
In the installation of two reactors, heat exchangers and tanks, three columns, each of which is high by 100 meters. At the foundation will stand two columns for the reprocessing of propane-propylene fraction - K2 / 1 and K2 / 2 - weighing 600 tons. Solid floor required 410 cubic meters of cement.
* Polypropylene production plant - one of the objects of petrochemical cluster federal program "PARK: industrial-agrarian regional clusters" (director - M. Sutyaginsky). The power plant under construction - 180 thousand tons of polypropylene per year, vintage range - 78 items. The total credit line of more than 4,3 billion rubles. The project is being developed under a public-private partnership, involving the State Corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank).