Baker Tilly Confirms Net Profit of Azerbaijan Mortgage Fund
OREANDA-NEWS. September 03, 2010. Results of audit of activity of the Azerbaijan Mortgage Fund (AMF) at the Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA), carried out by the Baker Tilly Azerbaijan LLC, were published.
AMF informed, the fund’s net profit for 2009 was confirmed at the level of AZN 806,496 against AZN 143,63 in 2008, and the volume of undistributed profit amounted to AZN 1.6 million versus AZN 798,395.
The fund’s assets for last year grew from AZN 68.886 million to AZN 138.727 million. Their basis was made by mortgage loans, which increased from AZN 59.56 million to AZN 102.76 million.
Net assets of AMF grew from AZN 68.798 million to AZN 80.76 million and their basis was made by transfers from the state budget – AZN 79.157 million.