OREANDA-NEWS. August 24, 2010. In July, the three largest compensations paid by ROSNO under MOD insurance contracts totaled 9,246,351 roubles. The aggregate amount of MOD compensation payments made by IC ROSNO in July exceeded 253 mln. roubles, the larger portion whereof pertains to such risks as damage, fire, and unlawful third-party actions, reported the press-centre of ROSNO.

The Mercedes-Benz ML63 AMG, manufactured in 2007, had been insured with ROSNO by the private owner residing in the Odintsovsky district. A fire started in the garage of a residential house from the short circuit in the power distribution device of the electric plant 40 minutes after the client left the vehicle in the garage. The fire damaged the garage premise, its internal furnishing, property kept therein, including the insurant’s vehicle, electric plant parts and devices, and it partially besmirched the facade and adjacent premises of the building. The building and property kept therein had not been insured. Following recognition of the burnt-out vehicle as a constructive loss, ROSNO paid the insurant 3,707,440 roubles.

The owner of Audi Q7, manufactured in 2010, got in a traffic accident in the night, just 12 days after conclusion of the insurance contract. The driver failed to give way to a bus moving on the main road. The vehicle sustained significant mechanical damage resulting in its recognition as a constructive loss. The size of insurance compensation paid to the client equalled 2,881,408 roubles.

Another vehicle, Toyota Land Cruiser, manufactured in 2009, was stolen from near a shopping mall on Profsoyuznaya Street in Moscow, though it had been equipped with an antitheft system. The insurant’s representative left the vehicle unattended for just ten minutes, while he was in a pharmacy. ROSNO paid the client an insurance compensation of 2,657,503 roubles.