OREANDA-NEWS. August 20, 2010. Under the chairmanship of the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Viktor Tikhonov a Working Group "Regional Economic Development" of the Committee on Economic Reforms under the President of Ukraine meeting was held.

As the Vice Prime Minister noted, the first phase of the working group work will be focused on legislative and institutional reform provision, so it is necessary to pay much attention and to preview in detail all aspects of this work. According to him, a complex outcome of all reform in relevant areas depends on the first stage of performance.

"During this time the group, its subgroups held significant work - Viktor Tikhonov said – and following the gathered proposals of the working group a program of economic reforms in Ukraine 2010-2014 "prosperous society, competitive economy, effective government", represented by the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych in June this year, was developed".

At the meeting, the working group members were informed by managers of subgroups "Regional Development and reform of intergovernmental relations" and "housing reform" on the work carried out by subgroups.

Viktor Tikhonov has given several orders to members of the working group and drew attention to the maximum involvement of members of the public to discuss the development and regulatory initiatives.