SC Olympstroy Opens Re-selection of Construction Organization
OREANDA-NEWS. August 13, 2010. Lot # 23-SMR/P "Cableway 3S, from the confluence of rivers Mzymga and Pslukh to the finishing zone of the Rosa Khutor ski resort, and from the finishing zone of the Rosa Khutor ski resort to the Mountain Olympic Village, including construction of turning grounds, parking lots, access bridges to cableway station and hiking trails (feasibility studies, construction) ".
State Corporation on Construction of Olympic Venues and Development of Sochi as Mountain Climatic Resort (SC "Olympstroy") announces an open re-selection of the construction and mounting organization
Tender organiser’s bank details: SC "Olympstroy", Taxpayer’s ID (INN) 2320157646, Industrial Classification Number (KPP) 771443001, account № 40503810938110100346 in the Donskoye office 7813 of the Russian Savings Bank correspondent account № 30101810400000000225, BIC 044525225.
1. Tender organiser’s headquarters’ mailing address: 125167 Moscow, 3-1 Teatralnaya Alleya; tel. +7 495 989 7901 ext. 12-02, 12-03 fax: +7 495 989 7937; the official Website address:
2. Lot # 23-SMR/P "Cableway 3S, from the confluence of rivers Mzymga and Pslukh to the finishing zone of the Rosa Khutor ski resort, and from the finishing zone of the Rosa Khutor ski resort to the Mountain Olympic Village, including construction of turning grounds, parking lots, access bridges to cableway station and hiking trails (feasibility studies, construction) ".
3. Type of tender – open tender.
4. Period to conduct the work: October 2010 – May 2013.
5. Starting (maximum) price of the bidding lot: 4 216 018,03 thousand roubles (including 18% VAT); the price includes the following costs (in “Other Costs” item): building and construction work during the winter season 0,6%; voluntary insurance costs of construction companies 1%; verifying commissioning, rent of helicopters, the breakdown and removal of the main axes of the buildings and structures.
6. Bidders must provide bid security to the amount of 20,000,000 (twenty million) roubles, in the form of a bank guarantee (please refer to tender documentation for details), or by a bank transfer to the tender organiser’s account. In the latter case please specify "Bidding security for Lot # 23-SMR/P "Cableway 3S, from the confluence of rivers Mzymga and Pslukh to the finishing zone of the Rosa Khutor ski resort, and from the finishing zone of the Rosa Khutor ski resort to the Mountain Olympic Village, including construction of turning grounds, parking lots, access bridges to cableway station and hiking trails (feasibility studies, construction) " in the "Purpose of Payment" section of your money transfer order.
7. Advance payment: 30% of the contractual sum.
8. Location of work: Krasnodar Region, the town of Sochi, Krasnopolianskiy village district.
9. Relevant information about the project is provided in tender documentation which is an inalienable part of this tender announcement and is published at the SC "Olympstroy’s" official website.
10. Contact information
For information about project implementation please contact Mr Valery Valerievich Viazovoy or Mr Alexander Vladimirovich Kolupayev at. + 7 495 989-79-00 ext. 07-12, 14-76, + 7 925 008-91-04, + 7 925 008-91-67.
For information on bid submission procedures, please contact Mr Evgeniy Vladimirovich Komissarov or Mr Andrei Alexandrovich Dymochkin at. +7 495 989 7900, ext. 13-04, 13-05.
11. Starting date for submitting bids for the tender: August 10, 2010.
12. Interested bidders please submit a completed Bidder’s Card (the form is available for downloading at State Corporation Olympstroy’s official website at (Competitive Selections, Information for Suppliers)) by email at or by fax at + 7 495 989-79-00, ext. 13-44.
13. Where and how to submit your bid: bids should be presented on paper, with a cover letter, no later than 1800 hours (Moscow time) on August 30, 2010 at the tender organiser’s headquarters at 125167 Moscow, 3-1 Teatralnaya Alleya. Bids should be submitted on workdays during the following hours: Monday to Thursday between 0900 and 1800 hours, Fridays between 0900 and 1645 hours (Moscow time). In case the bid was submitted by mail, the time and date of the actual delivery to the tender organiser’s headquarters will be considered as the time and date of the bid submission. Please refer to tender documentation for more details on preparing and submitting bids.
14. Requirements to Bidders
Bidders must meet the following requirements:
all requirements established by Russian law to persons or companies engaged in works/services of the type being tendered;
bidders’ companies must not be in the process of being liquidated, going through bankruptcy procedures, and their operations have not been suspended according to the Russian law;
bidders ’ companies have no past-due tax debts or any other past-due obligations to any government budgets or non-budget foundations. Bidders will be considered as meeting this requirement in case they appealed against such debts or obligations according to the Russian law, and no decision has been made on such appeals by the date of the tender;
bidders have not been charged (in case the bid was submitted by an individual entrepreneur) with any crime against property, entrepreneurial crime or tax evasion;
during three years prior to the bid submission date, bidders were engaged in works/services of the type identical to those being tendered, on any facility chosen by the bidder, provided that the cost of such works/services amounted to at least 50% of the starting (maximum) price of the bidding lot in question as quoted in the press release (including costs of all work completed by the bidder in relation with the chosen facility);
bidders haven’t been included in the Negligent Suppliers (Contractors) Registry maintained by relevant federal executive authorities;
bidders employ sufficiently skilled personnel in numbers sufficient to perform the work/services being tendered, and have sufficient equipment;
proof of solvency; determined by current liquidity coefficient. Current liquidity coefficient is calculated on the basis of balance sheet data (form #1) as the ratio of company’s liquid assets (cash, short-term financial investments, shipped goods, finished products and resale goods, short-term accounts receivable and other circulating assets, to its current liabilities including loans and credits to be paid back within 12 months after the reporting date, accounts payable, interest and dividends due to shareholders (founders) and other current liabilities. The coefficient is calculated for the last accounting year and for the last accounting period of the current year, and must be in excess of or equal one for each of these periods.
provision of bid security, to the amount determined by the tender organiser, as indicated in the tender announcement;
bidders must have at least three years’ relevant practical experience;
bidders must use a quality management system which meets requirements established by ISO 9001:2008 "Quality management systems – Requirements" standards;
bidders must be willing and able to comply with State Corporation Olympstroy’s corporate environment protection standards.
16. The bids will be opened by the tender commission publicly at 1100 hours (Moscow time) on August 31, 2010 at the tender organizer’s headquarters. No more than 2 (two) representatives of each bidder may be present at the opening of bids, provided they have appropriate letters of attorney authorising them to be there.
17. The successful bidder must sign relevant contract within seven working days after the date when the tender results were announced.
18. The tender organiser may cancel the tender no later than three days before the final date of bid submission.
19. The tender will be held in compliance with the General Rules for Construction of Olympic Facilities Tenders (please refer to SC "Olympstroy’s" official website at (Competitive Selections, Information for Investors)).