NBM Raises Forecast on GDP Growth of Moldova
OREANDA-NEWS. August 02, 2010. According to the National Bank of Moldova, at the same time the forecast of the GDP growth for 2011 was reduced by 0,3 pp – up to 3,3%.
More optimistic forecast of the NBM on the GDP growth of Moldova for 2010 comes from tendencies of economic slump stopping and restoration of economic growth, proved by the GDP growth by 4,7% registered in I quarter of 2010. As it was reported before, the IMF forecasts the GDP growth of Moldova by 2,5% in 2010 and by 3,6% - in 2011.
The IMF experts note Moldavian economy gradually restores after deep fall, caused by global economic crisis. Due to financial support of the IMF, Moldavian authorities have achieved the encouraging progress in restoration of economic stability and growth rebirth. In 2009 the Moldavian GDP reduced by 6,5%.