Rakurs Performs Reconstruction of Korjazhma TPP
OREANDA-NEWS. July 30, 2010. SPC "Rakurs" performed the first stage of works under the reconstruction project of gas feeding path and replacement of control systems of boiler unit №6 on thermal power plant of "Ylym" Group in Korjazhma city. At this time there are finished designing, working out of the engineering documentation and of high and low levels software, production and supply of the control system equipment.
At the first stage there were supplied control and burner firing cabinets, power cabinets and automatic transfer switch. The control system of boiler unit was made on the basis of a hardware and software complex "Apogey".
"Apogee" is oriented for boiler units equipment control including the gas equipment of boilers and gas burner units of water heaters, turbine units, equipment of gas supply and gas consumption systems of process lines and units, plant facilities and other complicated technological objects of power and other industries.
The boiler unit is oriented for steam generation by burning of natural gas, coal and black strap and is intended for following parametres:
output capability – 210 t/hour
process pressure behind the main steam valve – 140 atm.
superheated steam temperature – 550 °С
feedwater temperature on input – 230 °С
The boiler unit has 6 turbulent combined pulverized-coal and gas burners.
Main fuel type at the station is coal, reserve – gas, lighting-up gas and black strap.