Bank Finance and Credit Carried out Payment under Eurobonds
OREANDA-NEWS. July 29, 2010. The Bank Finance and Credit carried out the planned payment of the coupon yield in the sum USD 4,9875 MIO to Eurobond holders for the sum USD 95 MIO.
In January, 2010 the Bank paid 5% Eurobonds from the sum of initial release to Eurobond holders, thus, completely having satisfied re-structuring condition.
Let's remind that 30.12.2009 holders of Eurobonds of the Bank Finance and Credit officially agreed on re-structuring of 95% of the sum of bonds of the Bank for term four years – till January 25, 2014 with increase in the coupon to 10,5% (earlier – 10,375%) with semi-annual payment of the coupon. Thus payment by the Bank of 5% from the debt sum was one of re-structuring conditions.