IDGC of North-West Increases Protection Power Facilities
OREANDA-NEWS. July 29, 2010. Director General of IDGC of North-West Alexander Kukhmay: "Protection increase of power facilities is not one shot for us. We hold this work under routine operation. I don’t leave open a possibility that financing of arrangements by increase of antiterrorist protection of grid facilities will be changed”.
The joint video conference on security issues took place in IDGC of North-West with the representatives of the Ministry of energy, Embassy, EMERCOM, Federal Security Service Directorate. The participants of the meeting discussed the program of joint actions and developed the text of the joint Address to citizens of the North-Western region.
Today Director General of IDGC of North-West Alexander Kukhmay has held the first joint video conference on issues of increase of antiterrorist stability of the grid complex with the representatives of government authorities and force structures of the North-Western Federal District.
The representatives of the Ministry of energy, Embassy, EMERCOM, Federal Security Service Directorate, security directors of IDGC of North-West, directors of the company’s branches took part in the work of video which had been initiated by the company’s management. The joint consultations in such a format were held for the first time in IDGC of North- West.
As chiefs of IDGC of North- West’s branches reported in the course of the conference call, the work on protection increase of power facilities and antiterrorist protection increase of the grid complex of the region is made routinely in a close cooperation with the force structures and government authorities in the field.
With that the events in Kabardino-Balkaria have demanded safety precautions strengthening from the power engineers. In all the branches of IDGC of North-West the unplanned instructional advices of the personnel, sudden check-ups of the work of guarding enterprises’ employees, including at night have been made. The arrangements on check-up of all the rented buildings are planned, the automotive transport which doesn’t belong to the grid organization is moved out of the territory. The parking lots of automotive transport of the company’s employees are restricted. The access control is strengthened.
Physical security is strengthened at a series of the key power facilities which are situated in the responsibility area of IDGC of North-West, key power facilities are planned where in the nearest future already the equipment will be changed by more modern one or equipment for video monitoring will be additionally installed.
A big explanatory work due to the arrangements held on protection strengthening of power facilities is planned among the population. In this aspect the power engineers hope for the active cooperation of mass media in the regions, first and foremost being official mass media of government authorities in the constituent entities of the Federation.
In nearest several days in all the regions the joint meetings of the grid enterprises of IDGC of North-West with the representatives of government authorities, law enforcement authorities will take place in the field, which are initiated by the branches’ chiefs of the company.
Holding of joint trainings of the personnel and also representatives of the power industry’s constituent entities on smooth coordination exercise will be continued routinely in terms of emergency situations appearance, including on terroristic threat prevention of power supply interruption.
As Director General of IDGC of North-West Alexander Kukhmay emphasized while summing up the joint meetings’ results with the representatives of force structures and government authorities, “Protection increase of power facilities is not one shot for us. We hold this work under routine operation. Together with this it demands a constant improvement, first and foremost the increase of technology intensiveness of power facilities protection.
- We are actively doing it and as of now making a big work on provision of our facilities with modern means of communication and telecommunication. I don’t leave open a possibility that financing of arrangements by increase of antiterrorist protection of grid facilities will be changed and corresponding adjustments will be introduced in the perspective investment program of the company, - said Alexander Kukhmay.