OREANDA-NEWS. July 29, 2010. Domodedovo Cargo Corporation provided free handling of charitable cargo: children’s books for orphans living in Chukotka Autonomous Region.
The first Russian non-profit organization Russian Chilrden’s Fund devoted to childhood protection applied to Moscow Domodedovo Airport for assistance. At the moment 27 all-Russia non-profit projects devoted to children are being implemented by the Organisation.
Moscow Domodedovo Airport being a constant supporter of charitable initiatives and social activities assisted to the Fund in its good cause.
Domodedovo airport has been implementing charity projects for several years. In this context excursions for orphans have already become a tradition for the airport. In January 2008 a program of scheduled excursions for children revealing an interesting life of one of the biggest airports in Europe was launched.
Earlier this year in April and May Moscow Domodedovo Airport held two excursions for orphans.
Domodedovo Cargo Corporation is the largest and the most high tech air freight facility in Russia. Domodedovo Cargo being equipped with state-of-the-art technologies provides for handling and storing of all types of cargo including dangerous goods on a 24 hours basis. The Terminal facilities occupying the floor space of 13400 sqm allow for handling of 600 tons of cargo per day which is 10 times more than the average capacity of cargo terminals of the majority of Russian airports while the average daily volume of cargo/mail handled in Domodedovo totals 400 tons.
Moscow Domodedovo Airport is the largest airport of Russia. Its market share in total passenger traffic in Moscow makes 46%. At the moment 76 partner airlines (47 foreign including 12 representing the CIS States and 29 Russian) connecting over 233 destinations operate flights all over the world. The unique route network covered by Domodedovo partner airlines provides for 93 exclusive destinations. In 2009 18,7 million passengers benefited from Domodedovo services.