UFC Capital Released Daily Ukrainian Market View
OREANDA-NEWS. July 28, 2010. UFC Capital released daily market view:
Equity market. After opening with the dramatic upside gap, the index of Ukrainska SE stayed above zero till the end of the trading session. Overall, for the day the indicator added 1.22% to stop at 2024.91-point level.
On Tuesday, the relatively active demand was observed in respect of Motor Sich shares (MSICH; BUY), which for the trading session increased 0.6% ( trading volume – 6.9 mln hryvnia). That day, the growth leader again became the shares of Stirol (STIR; BUY), which closed up 4.5%.
Throughout the entire trading session of July 27, most of the European stock indices were nearby zero. Information about decline of the US consumers’ confidence index to its 5-month low created somewhat negative external background. Thus, the Ukrainian stock market growth during the next few days can potentially be under the threat due to uncertainty on the external markets.