Irkut Corporation Summarizes Work Performed at Farnborough Airshow
OREANDA-NEWS. July 23, 2010. According to the President of IRKUT Corportion, Oleg Demchenko, the most significant event for IRKUT Corporation at Farnborough International Air Show 2010 was signing of the contract with the Malaysian investing company, Crecom Burj Resources Ltd, on the delivery of 50 MC-21 airliners.
Furthermore, IRKUT Corporation signed a number of agreements on the new short/mid range MC-21 airliner with airlines and leasing companies.
IRKUT Corporation has signed an agreement of intentions with ILYUSHIN FINANCE CO, a leasing company, on a delivery of 28 MC-21 airliners, as well as an option of additional delivery of 22 MC-21 airliners.
A leasing company, VEB-leasing (
A tentative agreement on a delivery of 5 MC-21 airliners was signed with a company which name was not announced according to the decision of both sides.
As a result, the total number of MC-21 aircraft orders reached 140.
In addition to the successful performance of MC-21 programme, IRKUT Corporation has signed an agreement of intentions with a leasing company, VEB-leasing (
Concluding on work performed at Farnborough 2010, the President of IRKUT Corporation, Oleg Demchenko, stated, “Russian and foreign companies believed in the future of MC-21. It is the result of our tremendous work designing the aircraft and promoting it in the markets.” Oleg Demchenko also pointed out: “The programme is developing according to the schedule. We are actively working on design documentation. We were also able to construct an effective cooperation for the leading Russian and foreign corporations. Presentation of MC-21 full-size mock-up at Farnborough International Air Show 2010 has spurred interest among a number of world leading airline carriers and leasing companies.”
The President of “United Aircraft Corporation” (UAC), Aleksey Fedorov noted, “MC-21 – is the priority of UAC within civil aviation industry. Aircraft plants in