Power Supply of Baku Improved
OREANDA-NEWS. July 21, 2010. Concrete steps are taken in “Mushfig” s/s in order to make much more regular electric power supply and increase its quality in the capital, around settlements and regions. According to the information given by the s/s to the Press-release of “Azerenergy” JSC, two transformers each power by 250 MW were constructed thanks to grant was given by Japan government. Beside it, exploitation level of “Mushfig”, the VI “Absheron” and the I “Shirvan” TL are in the center of the attention which are supplying consumers with electric power. Lets` note that, the important work are carried out in the line of supplying of the s/s with reserve transformer and it will be end in the these days. It was also noted in the information that, preparation work is carried out in the line of construction of the III auto – transformer by 200 MW, when scheme will be changed.
Construction of auto – transformer by 200 MW in “Hovsan” s/s is intended.
Technical renewing measures are continued in Gala s/s. Lets` note that, the transformer by 40 MW was pull out of the exploitation and the transformer by 75/63 MW was constructed instead it. Changing of tire-cover disconnectors in reconstruction work are performed in “Zabrat” s/s.
Lets` note that, execution of important measures are realized in “Dubandi”, “Zig”, “Surakhani” s/s.
Beside of it, the transformer by 30 MW was substituted with the transformer by 63 MW in “Ramana” s/s.
The transformer by 250 MW was contracted in “Khirdalan” s/s. In a few days, the reconstruction work was carried out to exploitation s/s since 30 years of last years.
At present, the repair work of oil circuit breaker in the VIII km s/s was carried out. At the same time, the necessary technical work are performed in the lines and equipments.
Supplying with medical equipments is in the center of the attention in order to renewing of the equipments and supplying of the safety of repair – restoration brigade.
So, the safety technique day was carried out on Thursday of second week of every month.
All urgent measures were executed in order to prevent of fire situation in these summer days. For this purpose, near of the equipments and lines were cleaned of dry grass. At the same time, necessary water reserve was created in water warehouse.