Rosoboronexport Participates at Farnborough 2010
OREANDA-NEWS. July 20, 2010. The federal state unitary enterprise (FSUE) "Rosoboronexport" presents
Farnborough air show, which marked its 60th anniversary in 2008, is rightly reputed as one of the largest and most prestigious trade events. It demonstrates new designs and technologies that define future aviation outlook. This year nearly 1,500 companies from 38 countries are planning to take part in the show. The Rosoboronexport's exposition reflects latest trends in the world aerospace market and actual customer needs.
Air systems and munitions for them make up more than 50 percent of military exports from
Guests and exhibitors at Farnborough 2010 will be able to familiarise themselves with new Russian air systems that are of great interest to foreign partners. They include, for instance, the Su-35 super-agile multi-role fighter designed with the incorporation of the 5th generation technologies. The aircraft is powered by a new uprated thrust vector control engine with extended service life. It boasts superior information and management system, active electronically scanned phased array (AESA) radar, new navigation and radio communication equipment, highly effective electronic countermeasures system, and up-to-date weapons mix which give to this fighter substantial competitive edge.
Attention of specialists is focused also on the Yak-130 combat trainer jet. It is entering now into service with the Russian Air Force. High training efficiency of this aircraft is provided thanks not only to its superior flight performance but to specialised onboard combat employment modes simulation system as well, which allows execution of training missions with air combat simulation. Streamlined design, high reliability, extended service life, autonomous basing capability - these are factors contributing to high-efficiency short-duration flight personnel training. Besides, the Yak-130 can be effectively employed as a light combat aircraft.
The MiG-35 multi-role front-line fighter and its two-seat modification - MiG-35D, embody results of the multi-year effort undertaken by the Mikoyan design bureau. These aircraft participate in the big tender for the delivery of fighters to the Indian Air Force. Many Russian and foreign experts conclude that the Russian fighter equipped with the Zhuk-AE newest AESA radar has a number of substantial advantages over its competitors. The aircraft represents a well-balanced combination of superior flight performance, combat effectiveness, reliability and safety parameters.
Visitors to the air show will be able to get information about one of
At Farnborough 2010 the FSUE Rosoboronexport presents a wide range of rotary-wing systems which account for about 10 percent of the total amount of its order book. In the current year the amount of helicopter exports will grow by 30 percent compared with 2009.
Foreign experts will be offered detailed information about the Mi-35M combat transport helicopter. At present a contract for the delivery of these helicopters to the Brazilian Air Force is in progress. In these helicopters designers have embodied vast operational experience that their predecessors gained flying in dozens of countries all over the world under varied natural and climatic conditions.
The Ka-52 combat helicopter is expected to grasp special attention. It features powerful armour protection and weapon systems. Thanks to the coaxial rotors arrangement the Ka-52 helicopter possesses advanced flight characteristics and unique manoeuvrability which allow it to perform fast combat turns and take advantageous positions for attack. The helicopter can be deployed as an airborne command post, and carry out effective reconnaissance and surveillance missions.
There is another Russian helicopter which enjoys huge popularity: Mi-26T heavy-lift helicopter with its latest modification Mi-26T2. So far it is the world's heaviest-lift transport helicopter that is comparable to the C-130 Hercules transport aircraft, since this helicopter can carry up to 20 tonnes of equipment and cargoes, up to 82 persons on seats, or up to 60 patients and casualties on stretchers.
At the air show the FSUE Rosoboronexport also promotes airborne weapons and modern ground-based radar systems (Nebo-SVU, Protivnik-GE, Kredo-1E, Fara-1)
"We are confident that our participation in Farnborough air show will be fruitful and will bring in concrete results. In particular, military-technical cooperation with European countries is developing. Joint research and development, system production and upgrading activities, including those implemented on behalf of third countries, are most important lines of business conducted by Rosoboronexport. Indeed there are still things we must learn, but at the same time there are lots of Russian technologies in which our partners are interested", - noted Sergei Kornev, head of the FSUE Rosoboronexport delegation and chief of the Air Force materiel and services export department.
The federal state unitary enterprise Rosoboronexport is the state trade intermediary entitled to export the whole range of military and dual-use end products, technologies and services. The status of the
Rosoboronexport is listed among leading exporters to the world arms market. Its share in
Rosoboronexport highly values its reputation of a reliable partner, and strictly abides by the letter and spirit of