OREANDA-NEWS. July 20, 2010. Uzbekinvest Company with a view of formation of a strong basis for development of reinsurance operations, studying of the international experience of doing insurance business, maintenance of financial stability of executed insurance operations, from the beginning of its activity dynamically develops direct cooperation with the leading insurance and reinsurance companies, export-credit agencies of foreign countries, reported the press-centre of Uzbekinvest.     

Owing to such objective approach, the Company in front of its partners, within the long years of activity, diligently supports image of "reliable guarantor of protection of interests of partners" that is a prominent aspect and gives the big advantages in activity field of Uzbekinvest. Uzbekinvest always chooses the most reliable and trustworthy international reinsurers, co-operating for a number of years, with such large foreign reinsurance brokers, like Marsh (USA), PHB Group, NDI Insuranse Brokers, Howden Insurians Consulting Ltd, ColeMONT (Great Britain), Komill Global Service (Korea), JB Boda (India), Asiare (Indonesia), insurance / reinsurance companies Zurich (Switzerland), Allianz (Germany), Allianz Sigorta (Turkey), Ingosstrakh, Capital Insurance, Capital Reinsurance (Russia), etc.

Among positive tendencies of development of reinsurance operations of Uzbekinvest in the international market on current year became signing of the Contract on reinsurance cooperation with the insurance broker "Lancaster" (Russia) in May, carrying out of negotiations on conclusion of the contract on reinsurance cooperation with the insurance broker "ENC Plus Insurance Brokers" (Korea).

The arrangement on the further realisation of bilateral partnership was reached at a meeting of Company`s management with one of the largest Japanese insurance companies "Sompo Japan Insurance" the arrangement on the further realisation of bilateral partnership between the companies and signing of the contract on facultative reinsurance. Also in the context of Company work at sessions of the Prague Club of the Bern Union (the International Union of insurers of export credits and investments) between Uzbekinvest Company and export-credit agency of Hungary "MEHIB" has been signed the Contract of facultative reinsurance on insurance of export operations.

Along with it, in July of current year, for deepening of mutual relations in the field of insurance of export risks, the business meeting between management of Uzbekinvest and representatives of Polish corporation on insurance of export credits "KUKE S.A" was held at Company office, in which course the Cooperation agreement and the Contract of facultative reinsurance of risks of the Polish and Uzbek exporters were signed. The given documents allow providing a mutual and joint covering of risks to exporters and importers of both countries, to communicate on trading partners, to provide mutual support in the country of occurrence of an insurance case.

As a whole, in 1 first half of the year 2010 the Company has provided protection to accepted risks by reinsurance in the international market for a total sum of obligations at a rate of 597,1 billion soums, including 132,3 mln. US dollars. By assisting in development of an export potential and attraction of foreign investments, Company is about in further to continue active work on strengthening of the international cooperation, step-by-step expanding the infrastructure for achievement of the international level.