Moldova Did Not Permit Import of Cars Aged Not More than 10 Years
OREANDA-NEWS. July 19, 2010. The Parliament of Moldova didn’t adopt at final reading the law, permitting import of cars aged not more than 10 years in the country. The corresponding amendments to the current legislation were approved by the deputies at first reading.
The meeting of the Alliance for European Integration also took place there. After break the law was put to vote at second reading but didn’t collect the necessary number of votes. According to the authors of the law from Liberal Party fraction, in this situation they will register the law again in order to consider it at further meeting of the Parliament. It may be discussed till the end of current or in the course of new autumn-winter session of the Parliament.
The members of LP fraction hope they will manage to convince their Alliance colleagues of the necessity to support the law. Some of them are against such amendments and think that import of cars aged more than 7 years will affect the road safety, increase the accident rate on the roads, will result in filling of Moldova with old cars of which the neighboring and regional countries are actively getting rid. The LP fraction suggested to permit the import of cars aged not more than 10 years.
According to one of co-author of the law, the Chairman of the Parliament, the acting President – Mihai Ghimpu, such decision will result in the reduction of cars cost and will give possibility to ordinary citizens to import cars for personal needs. Mihai Ghimpu says the limitation on the import of cars aged more than 7 years was imposed in 2005 in behalf of certain car importers and not of ordinary citizens.
It should be noted that, at present, the cars aged more than 7 years are imported in Transnistria, registered there and after that got freely to the territory of Moldova. It is planned that the change of age qualification for import of cars will reduce considerably the cases of law violation.