Solar Panels Seller to Build 1st Solar Power Plant in Estonia
OREANDA-NEWS. July 13, 2010. An Estonian company that sells solar panels, Energy Smart OU, will start building the first Estonian solar power plant in the southern Somerpalu municipality, the daily Eesti Paevaleht reported.
The pilot station should subvert the opinion that it is not possible to generate energy from solar radtiation in Estonia, a representative of the company, Viido Polikarpus, told the paper.
The building of the 100 kW power plant that will be located on three to four hectares will start in August. A total of 37 solar panels that will constantly direct themselves at the sun will be installed on 15 six-meter poles.
The cost of the project is six million kroons (EUR 0.383 mln), of which the environmental investments center will cover 2.9 million.