Economic Agents in Moldova to Get ATA Carnets to Import Goods
OREANDA-NEWS. July 05, 2010. ATA Carnets are issued by CCI. They facilitate the customs procedures, reduce the cost of customs clearance and exclude the obligatory financial guarantees for companies, participating in the exhibitions, forums, economic missions, etc, when transiting or temporarily importing.
ATA Carnet – is an international customs document, replacing customs declarations and allowing to complete the formalities for temporarily imported goods (except the vehicles) in simple and quick manner, and providing international guarantees of covering the import rights and taxes. In the list of goods that can be temporarily imported and exported in/from Moldova by ATA Carnets are: goods samples (valuable objects, etc); goods for demonstrations and use on international exhibitions, fairs, conferences; professional equipment (computers, TV and radio equipment, musical instruments, etc.).
Reminding that on May 21, 2010 the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Moldova by means of the CCI of Paris has informed all the ATA-members that the CCI of Moldova is the issuer and the guarantor of the Carnets. In Monitorul Oficial as of May 14 was published the ATA Carnet issue regulation. Thus, the CCI of Moldova has become the 67th member of the network of international guarantors WCF/ATA.