Legal Framework in Field of Nuclear Energy Use Requires Refinement
OREANDA-NEWS. June 29, 2010. Legal framework in the field of nuclear energy use requires substantial refinement. This was announced to the journalists by Deputy General Director of Rosatom State Corporation Tatyana Elfimova while commenting on results of the round table discussion on legislative support of the nuclear power industry development conducted on June 8 within the framework of the “Atomexpo-2010” international forum.
“We most likely should stipulate in the law a state management system and policy with regard to facilities decommissioning”, T.Elfimova said. She explained that for 60 years the nuclear power industry “had completed a full cycle” and reached the stage when it became necessary to dispose of everything used.
“Now we have to decide how the branch will fulfill this engineering task. We need to offer such mechanism, such a roadmap that would allow to refine the legal framework”, T.Elfimova emphasized. “The point is the possibility of refinement of the legislative framework together with technological development. In particular, Law No. 170 “On nuclear energy use” passed 10 years ago and having the framework provisions is subject to refinement. Besides, technical regulation issues have to be decided, as well as the question of delineation of authorities and partition of power”.
T.Elfimova also reported that this week Rosatom is going to complete coordination with the Ministry of Finance on amendments to the Law “On radioactive waste handling”. After the first reading of this legislative draft in the State Duma more than 200 amendments were inserted that significantly changed the text of the law and complicated work with it”, Deputy General Director of Rosatom State Corporation explained. According to her, after the adoption, the law on RAW handling will be worked out in detail and brought in line with new development works. “It is likely that further laws including those on SNF handling and decommissioning of nuclear power facilities will supplement the law on RAW handling”, T.Elfimova added.