SC Olimpstroy Adopted Environmental Policy
OREANDA-NEWS. June 22, 2010. This is one more step to organization of environmental management of the Corporation for certification according to the international standard ISO 14001:2004. Preservation of the environment remains among priorities of SC Olimpstroy, as well as rational use of natural resources and provision of the high level of ecological security during designing, construction and operation of Olympic Venues.
As it is mentioned in the document, “the process of preparation and performance of the Winter Olympic Games of 2014 is a global impulse for realization of state-of-art practices for preservation of the unique natural conditions of the Russian part of Caucasus”. Observance of Environmental Policy of SC Olimpstroy is a way of provision of ecological security of its operation and creation of a mountain climate resort in Russian meeting principles of sustainable development.
In this connection the Corporation provides designing, construction of Olympic Venues with use of the best resource-saving practices and environment friendly technologies, and application of technologies for economic use of raw materials and energy sources, recycling of resources and disposal of wastes.
Moreover, SC Olimpstroy is ready to conduct and improve the system of environmental management according to the international standard ISO 14001:2004 by way of developing corporate regulations in the field of environment protection, as well as to increase the level of environmental culture, professional and educational level of employees of the corporation in the field of efficient use of natural resources.