MHP Announced Result of EGM
OREANDA-NEWS. June 22, 2010. MHP S.A. (LSE: MHPC) (“MHP” or “The Company”), announces that at its Extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (“EGM”), held at 5, rue Guillaume Kroll, L-1822, Luxembourg all resolutions were passed.
That the agenda of the EGM was as follows:
1. Approval of amendments to the terms and conditions of the Buy Back Share Program: (i) increase of the number of GDRs to be purchased in the open market up to 5,538,500 (ii) implementation of the Buy Back Share Program within one year of the approval of the program by the Board Meeting held on 18th May 2010 and (iii) increase the maximum consideration per GDR up to 18 USD.
2. Authorization to the board of directors to subsequently implement the Buy Back Share Program in accordance with amended terms and conditions.
3. Miscellaneous.