KASE Bans Securities of Karaganda Asbestos & Cement Plant
OREANDA-NEWS. June 22, 2010. The Board of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) in accordance with sub-item 1) of item 9-1 of KASE internal document "Rules on repo transactions" banned the following securities of Karaganda Asbestos and Cement Plant (Karaganda oblast) for loans in nego repo transactions, reported the press-centre of KASE:
1. common shares KZ1C54470014 (KASE, second category, KAZI);
2. preferred shares KZ1P54470110 (KASE, second category, KAZIp);
3. bonds KZPC2Y05B806 (KASE, first subcategory of Non-rated debt securities, KAZIb2);
4. bonds KZP03Y05B808 (KASE, first subcategory of Non-rated debt securities, KAZIb3).
The same decision in accordance with sub-item 1) of item 3-2 of KASE internal document "Specification of auto repo market" banned beginning June 18, 2010 the mentioned bonds for loans in auto repo transactions.
The decision was made after the company had failed to pay coupon interests on the bonds.