OREANDA-NEWS. June 15, 2010. The MICEX Stock Exchange’s shareholders held their annual general meeting. The meeting summed up the results of the Exchange’s financial and economic activities, approved the annual financial statements and the annual report of the MICEX Stock Exchange for 2009. In 2009 the net profit of the MICEX Stock Exchange amounted to 284 982 rubles. The shareholders decided to distribute the net income as follows: dividends: 28 498 thousand rubles; retained earnings: 256 484 thousand rubles.

The meeting elected a new Board of the MICEX SE, consisting of:

Mikhail Alekseyev, Chairman of the Board of UniCreditBank;

Mikhail Belyaev, CEO of OTKRYTIE Financial Corporation;

Oleg Vyugin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MDM Bank;

Anatoliy Gavrilenko, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ALOR Company;

Vladimir Gusakov, Vice President of the MICEX;

Bella Zlatkis, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank;

Alexander Kolomiets, Vice President and Head of the Department for Corporate Long-term Investments and Share Capital of Gazprombank;

Konstantin Korischenko, President of the MICEX, CEO of the MICEX Stock Exchange;

Sergei Lykov, Member of the Board and Vice-Chairman of Vnesheconombank;

Gennady Mayatski, Vice-President and Head of Treasury of Evrofinance Mosnarbank;

Vladimir Reutov, Deputy Chairman of the Board and Member of the Board of Bank Saint Petersburg;

Andrey Yumatov, Vice-President of the Investment Unit of VTB Bank.

Immediately after the shareholders’ meeting, the meeting of the Board of the MICEX SE elected Bella Zlatkis (Sberbank of Russia) Chairperson of the Board.

Deloitte and Touche CIS Company was appointed as the independent auditor of the MICEX Stock Exchange.

The shareholders’ meeting discussed the Stock Exchange’s performance in the reporting period. The total volume of transactions in non-government securities on the MICEX SE, including transactions in stocks, bonds, shares of investment funds, futures on shares, futures on the MICEX Index and repos, amounted to 40.7 trillion rubles. The total volume of secondary trading in shares increased by 2 trillion rubles to 14.3 trillion rubles. The volume of initial offerings of bonds grew by 67% to 1.02 trillion rubles.