TANECO Held Annual Meeting of Shareholders
OREANDA-NEWS. June 15, 2010. Oil Refining and Petrochemical Complex being implemented in Nizhnekamsk is the developing enterprise during the global crisis. This fact has been again confirmed at the Annual OJSC TANECO Shareholders meeting.
The meeting was attended by JSC Tatneft General Director, Shafagat Takhautdinov; JSC Svyazinvestneftekhim General Director, Valeriy Sorokin; RT Prime Minister Assistant, Rinat Sabirov; RT Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Utilities, Yuriy Kuzmin; Nizhnekamsk Municipal Area Manager, Tagir Kameletdinov; Members of Directors Board and Republican Headquarter of Oil Refining and Petrochemical Complex.
The top issue of the agenda – approval of the annual report and annual financial statements of the Company for 2009 was addressed by Mr. Kh. Bagmanov, TANECO General Director. He noted that in
The scopes for all key activities directed to the Project implementation were increased 2.5 – 4 times as compared to 2008. This was made possible by regular Project financing from JSC Tatneft fund and attracted financing within the frame of corporate loans. Deficient financial sources did not prevent JSC Tatneft to obtain a new syndicated loan to the amount 1.5 bln. US dollars.
In 2009 the Complex consumed 73.3 bln. rbl. (2.4 times more as compared to 2008) including 7.6 bln. Rbl. for design and survey works, more than 21 bln. Rbl. – equipment and 29.5 bln.rbl. – construction works. Since the beginning of construction it was funded more than 145 bln. Rbl.
In 2009 Capital Investments were utilized to the amount of 46.7 bln.rbl. (2.5 times more as compared to 2008), since the beginning of construction – about 92 bln.rbl.
Design documentation was issued to the amount of 26.5 bln. Rbl. as per the construction quantities performed that is 3 times increase against the year of 2008. Equipment was received to the amount of 10 bln.rbl. that is 4 times as much as 2008. Equipment was installed to the amount more than 5 bln. rbl. Construction works is valued at 22.2 bln.rbl. that is 3.8 times more in comparison with
Maximum values of the average daily progress: 2 thousand cubic meters of cast in-place reinforced concrete, 700 tons of structural steel and
To perform construction works 7 General Contractors and about 150 Subcontractors with the man-power up to 7 thousand workers (80% from the
By the end of the reporting year and within the recordingly short time JSC Tatneft Structural Departments completed construction of Linear Pipeline sections with a total length of
or railroad infrastructure more than
Chingiz Khalilov, Refinery Director, reported on the current status of Oil Refining and Petrochemical Complex construction and summarized measures required to put 1A1 Step into operation within the prescribed time frame. Also he informed that there is a parallel work for Hydrocracker with Lube Oil Production and development of Design documentation to increase capacity of Oil Refining Plant from 7 to 14 mln. tons per year.
Builders of the Complex are proud not only of high quality performance but also of Ecological orientation of the Project. Zilya Valisheva, Head of Environment Protection Department, presented the report on the project environmental activities performed. She noted that the victory of open joint-stock company in the VI All-Russian Award "National ecological award" became regular success of the enterprise. Today this is the only award in
The Complex is designed to apply the best environmentally-friendly technologies such as construction of environmental facilities, water and waste treatment units, air protection and ecological monitoring methods. 16.5 % from the total cost of 1A1 Step (that makes more than17 bln.rbl.) is spent for the environment protection activities. Thus, consecutive economic, ecological and social policy of the Company guarantees safety of environment.
Svetlana Gorchanyuk, Head of HR and Technical Treatment Department, reported on HR issues solved within the project implementation. 1 647 operating employees are needed. The personnel recruited to our company come from RT Oil and Gas Complex (38%), Tatneft Group (23%), Russian Oil and Gas Complex (12%) and Training Institutions (20%). Considering the uniqueness of the project, complexity of technologies and equipment, high requirements are imposed on the personnel. With the support of Investor OJSC TANECO established continuous professional training system including retraining and professional improvement of workers, middle and senior management.
Other issues concerning activities of the Company were reviewed and discussed. TANECO new Board of Directors, Examining Committee and Audit Company (ZAO Energy Consulting/ Audit) were elected and approved for 2010.
The Board of Directors includes the following members:
M.Sh. Khusnullin, RT Minister of Housing and Public Utilities,
F.Kh.Davletshin, Head of Investments Management Department in JSC Tatneft
Kh.A.Bagmanov, General Director of OJSC TANECO
V.A.Mozgovoy, JSC Tatneft General Director Assistant for Corporate Finance in
Yu.I.Yaroshenko, Deputy Head of JSC Tatneft Finances Management in
R.D.Rempel, Head of Raw Hydrocarbons processing, URNiN, JSC Tatneft
N.M.Glazkov, Deputy General Director for Capital Construction, JSC Tatneft
F.L.Schelkov, Deputy General Director on general issues, JSC Tatneft
A.F.Yagafarov, Deputy General Director, Director of Moscow office, JSC Tatneft.
At the meeting of Directors’ Board held later F.Kh.Davletshin, Head of JSC Tatneft Investments Department, was elected as a chairman of the Directors’ Board.
After the meeting F.Kh.Davletshin and Kh.A.Bagmanov responded to questions from the mass media. Speaking about prospects of Oil Refining and Petrochemical Complex development, its significance for the Republican economy and throughout the country, F.Kh. Davletshin stressed that in the nearest future Tatarstan people will be proud of those who are currently implementing this ambitious project.