TransUzbekistan Will Take Place in Uzexpocentre
OREANDA-NEWS. June 11, 2010. TransUzbekistan 2010, the 7th Uzbekistan International Transport and Logistics Exhibition, will take place in Uzexpocentre,
The show is organised by the international exhibition company ITE Uzbekistan and its partner, I.T.E. Exhibitions & Conferences Ltd. (
For the first time, an International Transport and Logistics Forum will be held alongside the exhibition. The forum will include presentations from industry professionals on the following topics:
The use of multi-industry rail ferries in the Black Sea for the development of intermodal and multimodal freight transportation between East and
The structuring of the freight forwarding and logistics business for the effective monitoring of international freight transportation.
The creation of new transport and logistics centres, and industrial and economic zones in
The geographical location of
The ongoing economic reforms in the country aimed at modernising all the sectors of the economy, including developing the road construction industry, are an important component of the government’s policy to fully integrate national transport networks into international transport lines. The best place for discussing the prospects for cooperation in transport, transportation and logistics is TransUzbekistan 2010, the 7th Uzbekistan International Transport and Logistics Exhibition.
For participation, please contact:
Vladislav Smolin:
TransUzbekistan is one of a series of specialised transport exhibitions organised by ITE in