Gomselmash to Set up Joint Venture in Krasnodar Krai in 2010
OREANDA-NEWS. June 11, 2010. Gomselmash and Podshipnik Company (Krasnodar Krai, Russia) have signed the agreement on setting up a joint venture to assemble grain harvesters from Belarusian component parts.
The document was singed during the first days of the work of Belagro 2010 Expo. The participants of the project are Gomselmash, Gomselmash-South Trading House and the Krasnodar Krai Administration. In Q4 2001, the sides will set up the joint company which will assemble Palesse grain harvesters on the base of Gomselmash-South Trading House. During the first phase of the project, the joint company will assemble Palesse 1218 grain harvesters. In the future, the range of the machines will be expanded.
According to experts, it is the biggest project signed with Russian regions in 2010. There are several joint ventures with the participation of Gomselmash in the Russian Federation including Bryanskselmash that supplies farm machinery to all regions of Russia. Some 200 Palesse-GS12 (Amur-Palesse) will be assembled by companies of the Amur Oblast in 2010. The same grain harvesters are assembled in the Republic of Tatarstan (Russian Federation). Companies of Ural and Siberia are going to launch the production of Belarusian grain harvesters this year as well.
Palesse FC60 grain harvester has been specially designed to be produced by Bryanskselmash and other joint companies. The grain harvester was awarded the Gold Medal and the First Degree Diploma at Golden Autumn 2009 Expo in Moscow. Palesse FC60 meets all the modern requirements.
In 2010, a joint venture in Kazakhstan (Kostanai Diesel Works) is expected to assemble 330 ESSIL-740 grain harvesters using Gomselmash machine sets. The grain harvesters are assembled on the base of Palesse KZS-7 grain harvester. In 2009, the joint venture assembled 200 ESSIl-740.
The Kherson Machine Works (Ukraine) assembled the first consignment of grain harvesters from Gomselmash machine sets in May this year. In 2010 the supplies of the Belarusian combine harvesters and machine sets to Ukraine will be increased. The sides have already concluded relative contracts, signed a number of agreements.
Gomselmash also supplies Palesse FS80 fodder harvesting units to Argentina.
In January-May 2010 Gomselmash increased export by 3.8%. According to the results of the annual nomination, Machine Building, Metallurgy and Metalworking, Gomselmash was named Belarus’ best exporter of 2009. Gomselmash was awarded the CIS Prize for Quality and Services 2009.
The manufacturing corporation Gomselmash was founded in 1930. It is a multi-business producer of machines designed to cultivate and harvest crops using contemporary agrarian technologies. The Gomselmash line-up includes machines for harvesting grain, forage crops, sugar beet, potato, as well as mowers and machines for complex soil cultivation. The company’s designing, manufacturing and maintenance practices are certified for compliance with the international quality management system ISO 9001-2001. The corporation was set up in 1978 at premises of the Gomselmash enterprise that was founded in 1930. The Gomselmash machinery operates on the fields of 20 countries including Argentina, China, Iran and the EU countries. At present the company employs 17,000 people.