OREANDA-NEWS. June 09, 2010. The Uranium Enrichment Plant JSC SCC (Siberian Chemical Plant) Launches the New Technology Line for Manufacturing of Raw Uranium Hexafluoride.

The commissioning of the new line has been carried out under the optimisation of technological schemes in the nuclear fuel cycle companies, carried out by the TVEL Fuel Company, and it is fully in line with the policy applicable to the Rosatom manufacturing system (lifetime training).

The new technological line guarantees the quality of the natural uranium hexafluoride, matching international as well as Russian standards, which allow increased productivity and lower costs within the JSC SCC conversion facility, which also leads to higher finalized product rate.

Creation of the new line started back in 2006. It had been implemented in the context of running operations, which in fact complicated the work of contractors and plant staff.

Despite owing to the effective work during the construction works, the Company managed to complete the building-installation and commissioning works on time. Furthermore, it provided a stable running of the current production and met all contractual obligations.