OREANDA-NEWS. June 04, 2010. The completion ceremony of the first stage of reconstruction of the Pomeranian Quay in Gdynia took place less than a year ago. The celebration of the completion of the second stage of this investment took place with honors on 31 May, crowning the entire project. The pearl of the most representative part of the city has gained a new appearance and it will serve its residents and growing number of tourists coming to Gdynia for many decades.

Data about the project:
Title: Przebudowa Nabrzeїa Pomorskiego w Gdyni.
Net costs of reconstruction: about PLN 24 million (about PLN 13 mln in the first stage)
Investor: Port of Gdynia Authority SA
Period of realization: 2008 -2010 (out of summer season)
Contractor: Consortium composed of:
"Hydrobudowa S.A."
"Stabilator Sp. z o.o."
"Energopol-Szczecin S.A."
Przedsiкbiorstwo Drogowo-Budowlane "Trakt" (Road and Construction Company)
Zakіad Usіug Podwodnych i Hydrotechnicznych "Neptun" (Underwater and Hydrotechnical Works)

Project: "Projmors" Biuro Projektуw Budownictwa Morskiego Sp. z o.o.(Maritime Construction Design Company)

The main reason for reconstruction the quay that constitutes southern President's basin, was very bad technical condition of the underwater and above-water hydrotechnical construction elements and the waterfront surface of the quay. It should be emphasized that the quay was built over 70 years ago and was partially destroyed during the Second World War. The reconstruction was to enable the increase of the depth at the quay to 9m along its entire length in the future, as well.
Due to the exploitative and organizational reasons (e.g. due to "The Tall Ships Races 2009" planned in July 2009"), reconstruction of the Pomeranian Quay was divided into two stages:
Stage I (from 15 September 2008 till 30 May 2009)

Complete rebuilding of the of the construction of the quay in the underwater and above-water sections was performed in the first stage - including new surface and the underground reinforcement of the part from the beginning of the Pomeranian Quay to the Rose of Winds building. The total length of the reconstructed section was approximately 255m.
The following works were completed during this stage:
Sheet pile wall made of steel profiles with increased resistance to corrosion, brought up from as far as Luxembourg (total 6.8 km of profiles weighing 600 tons),
224 reinforced concrete piles formed in the ground of total length of more than 3 km, - it took 1800 tons of concrete to put them up, including strengthening of the ground,
1200 m3 of reinforced concrete slabs and cap structures of quay with necessary equipment and water, sewer and electric installations,
21 new mooring bollards,
3,700 m2 of new surfacing including elements of small architecture. Hydrotechnical works were performed mainly during the autumn - winter season in bad weather conditions, while struggling with many ground and underwater obstacles that were difficult to predict.
Phase II (from 15 September 2009 to the end of May 2010)
In the second stage the works were carried out from the Rose of Winds building to the end of the Pomeranian Quay. The total length of the reconstructed segment was approximately 370 m (part of the plate structure with the length of 110m and part of the case platform with the length of 260m). The building parameters of this phase of construction work are as follows:
Building of the sheet pile wall with increased resistance to corrosion - total length of 2.8 km of profiles weighing 260 tons,
Forming of 90 pieces of reinforced concrete piles of total length of 1200 meters, 700 tons of concrete were used for this purpose,
510 m3 of reinforced concrete slabs and cap structures of the quay,
9 new mooring bollards were installed,
W4500 m2 of new cube surface with the new electrical, tele-technical, water and sewer installations with settling tanks.

The quay was equipped with fender beams (equipment) and elements of small architecture.
The total cost of realization of both phases of the project was approximately PLN 24 million. All funds for this purpose come from the investor's own resources, namely the Port of Gdynia Authority SA.