Largest Fair Economy of Karelia Will Be Held in June
OREANDA-NEWS. May 28, 2010. Meetings with representatives of the companies and organizations carrying out investment projects in territory of the republic took place in the Ministry of Economic Development of Karelia. During the working meetings chaired by the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Karelia Sergey Alimpiev the course of preparation for the largest in history of the republic fair Economy of Karelia: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow was discussed. The exhibition will work in
The business part of the exhibition includes presentation of the leading investment projects of the republic. In the conversation with businessmen Sergey Alimpiev has noted that "representatives of large interested financial structures from
The Economy of Karelia Tomorrow section will offer presentation of more than 20 projects including reconstruction and construction of small hydroelectric power stations in territory of the
Besides, within the scope of celebrating the 90th anniversary of the republic there will be held the International Tourist Forum Karelia 2010. Activities of the Forum includes a meeting Business Breakfast with Investors where representatives of regions of the republic that have prepared investment porjects in the sphere of tourism for implementation will have an the opportunity to meet with potential investors. Sergey Alimpiev has emphasized, that "it is necessary not only to make presentations, but to bring ready documents to the meeting, to specify guarantees, terms of preparation of necessary documents, to present in details infrastructural support of sites."
Among the investment porjects there are the Spasskaya Guba Alpine skiing recreational resort, the Mountain Pajnur Alpine skiing complex project presented by Louhi region of Karelia, the entrance zone of the first Russian resort Marcial Waters Spa presented by Kondopoga region, the republican boating and sailing center of the city of